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The Dodsons were a very proud race, and their pride lay in the utter frustration of all desire to tax them with a breach of traditional duty or propriety.


He was about to get down and lead his horse through the damp dirt of the hollow farmyard, shadowed drearily by the large half-timbered buildings, up to the long line of tumble-down dwelling-houses standing on a raised causeway; but the timely appearance of a cowboy saved him that frustration of a plan he had determined on,—namely, not to get down from his horse during this visit.


" While Bulstrode wrote, Lydgate turned to the window thinking of his home—thinking of his life with its good start saved from frustration, its good purposes still unbroken.


The tables were now turned on that dear brother departed, and to contemplate the frustration of his cunning by the superior cunning of things in general was a cud of delight to Solomon.


The frustration would have been less exasperating if it had been less gamesome and boyish: a serious assault of which the newspaper reporter "can aver that it endangered the learned gentleman's ribs," or can respectfully bear witness to "the soles of that gentleman's boots having been visible above the railing," has perhaps more consolations attached to it.


But he had forbidden Will to come to Lowick Manor, and he was mentally preparing other measures of frustration.


In the story of this passion, too, the development varies: sometimes it is the glorious marriage, sometimes frustration and final parting.


But both indicate frustration.


So, before you face another week of frustration, question your surrounding and get to know some new people at the office.

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The post came before the state's surgeon general proof of residency order, but NBC Miami reported the post provoked some frustration from residents.


" Jocelle Batapa Sigue launched Bacolod Barter Community four months ago out of frustration at not being able to go shopping and a desire to help others.


Promote Iceland, which encourages tourism to the country, is encouraging people to scream to relieve pent up frustration.


So not only do dogs appear to have a difficult adolescence just like we do, they also share the frustration that we often feel towards our parents or caregivers when we hit our teenage years.


There was also disappointment upon the shattering of empty dreams, frustration upon the failure to find answers in her search for the meaning of life, and melancholy upon recollection of childhood.


Yet once we get to the office, many in the workforce feel obligated to hide their emotions, whether they be frustration, anger, or sadness.


Imagine the worst-case reaction they could have, whether that's frustration or a "not mad just disappointed" that makes you feel like a real dick.


"One guy just left in frustration when we were looking at this nice, new machine.


"The task force shares the [IAAF] frustration that progress in two areas is being undermined by apparent backsliding in two other areas," Andersen said.

清理心灵的空间 Clear Your Mental Space

Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion---like stress, anger, or frustration.

七种你肯定会遇到的讨厌人 如何应对

Sometimes it can be endearing, but if you are already having a bad day, a mean old lady can drive you to the edge of frustration.

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