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The same features that make free Wi-Fi hotspots desirable for consumers make them desirable for hackers, therefore, freedom comes at a price.


he Twitter accounts of major public figures and corporations, including Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Apple were hijacked Wednesday, in a stunning show of force by hackers.


Once an iPhone did that, malware was installed on the device that allowed the hackers to monitor the iPhone's live location every 60 seconds as well as upload virtually any files from the iPhone—including iMessage and WhatsApp messages.


- The network, in comparison to traditional communication technologies, features ultra-high security and is able to ward off hackers by using quantum photons.

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" The social-media giant determined that hackers had "exploited a vulnerability in Facebook's code" that allowed them to take over users' accounts, it said in a blog post.


In January, the company came under scrutiny after security researchers disclosed flaws that they said could let hackers steal sensitive information from nearly every modern computing device containing chips from Intel Corp, Advanced Micro Devices Inc and ARM Holdings.


Worse still, this browsing data could be linked to details that make users identifiable in the real world, making them vulnerable to hackers and blackmailers.


Worse still, this browsing data could be linked to details that make users identifiable in the real world, making them vulnerable to hackers and blackmailers.


It is reported that hackers stole information from millions of customers who used debit or credit cards at Saks Fifth Avenue, Saks Off 5th and Lord & Taylor stores.

乔布斯传 第66期:苹果二代风暴(4)

Most hackers and hobbyists liked to customize, modify, and jack various things into their computers.

乔布斯传 第52期:热浪滚滚的时代(3)

The Altair wasn't much—-just a $495 pile of parts that had to be soldered to a board that would then do little -- 495,, but for hobbyists and hackers it heralded the dawn of a new era.

乔布斯传 第51期:热浪滚滚的时代(2)

" One person who encouraged the denizens of the counterculture to make common cause with the hackers was Stewart Brand.

乔布斯传 第25期:乔布斯和蓝盒子(1)

The story, Ron Rosenbaum's "Secrets of the Little Blue Box," described how hackers and phone phreakers had found ways to make long-distance calls for free by replicating the tones that routed signals on the AT&T network.


But just as bring your own device caused a problem for corporate IT departments, which worried that they could not monitor smartphones they did not own for hackers, I am concerned that companies do not know that their employees are opening up their emails and calendars to remote workers in other organisations or inscrutable AI assistants.


In fact, Facebook has paid out more than US$5 million to ethical hackers who have uncovered and reported vulnerabilities in its site before they can be exploited.


'Hackers are using common terms from pop culture and sports to break into accounts online because they know many people are using those easy-to-remember words,' said Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData, Inc.


Cyber security specialists, hired to protect companies from hackers, is becoming the most sought-after white collar job in China, pushing aside jobs in areas such as banking and finance in the first quarter of 2017.


It's not clear who created and released Petya, but a lot of circumstantial evidence points to "patriotic" Russian hackers.


It prevents hackers from getting into your account, even if they know the password.


Hackers are holding a Disney movie hostage.

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