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When the farm men, led by Peter and Phyllis and carrying a hurdle covered with horse-cloths, reached the manhole in the tunnel, Bobbie was fast asleep and so was Jim.


Too much stuff This is a very common and significant hurdle to keeping a tidy house.


Basically, the authors explain, in pretty much every interaction a woman has in the workplace, 'likeability' is either an asset or a hurdle.


one hurdle.


Even if the underwear did maintain the desired level of freshness, though, people might not be able get over the mental hurdle of wearing the same undergarments for weeks at a time -- just this week, Elle reporter Eric Thomas wrote that reading about the undies made him want to "bleach eyes.


Jumping right to the big topics () Although it's important to talk about money, jumping straight to the million-dollar question (which differs depending on the couple) is a huge hurdle to leap right away.


However, Ant's international expansion has hit one hurdle after its sweetened bid for MoneyGram came under attack from US lawmakers and rival bidder Euronet even after it was backed by most shareholders in the US remittances group.


"Japan has an amazing quality of life if you can get past the language hurdle to better understand the mentality" – which is more different from Western culture than most visitors think, he added.


Having your book some place else other than you are adds one more hurdle in your decision making process to not read.


One hurdle for Sarkozy beyond winning over right and centre-right sympathisers is his lasting unpopularity among the wider French population who still dislike his abrasive personality and his hard-to-shake-off label of "president of the rich".


The ease and speed of charging both at home and en route are the final hurdle.


Not having to seek shareholder approval removed one hurdle for a deal that, like all Chinese transactions, also needed regulatory approval.


But young people feel wronged, as they believe a narrow life circle and tight work routine are the biggest hurdle for them to find a partner.


A major hurdle – and I know from attending conferences that the successes and shortcomings with which I became familiar are shared by deans the world over – is the disconnect between one's own experiences and the environment that students are preparing to face.


Chen Yuanyuan said that the newborn monkey faced her first big hurdle in October last year when her mother left her to fend for herself.


You will trip at that hurdle.

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"I don't see the mobile transition as a hurdle, but it is a transition," she said.


He kissed the last hurdle, left the track, and participated no more competitions.


This action removed a major hurdle holding back China's progress: · It put an end to more than 2000 years of autocratic monarchy in China.


Once the beer was made, I faced my biggest hurdle yet: getting it into beer drinkers' hands.

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