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"Due to their distinct shapes our particles have orientation – as opposed to spherical particles – which gives rise to entirely new and previously unstudied kinds of complex behaviors," senior author Professor Andreas Zumbusch, from the University of Konstanz, said in a statement.


We will seek to avoid unjust impacts on people, particularly those related to sensitive characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, income, sexual orientation, ability, and political or religious belief.


Lead author Dipayan Biswas, PhD, professor of marketing at the University of South Florida, is an expert in cross-modal effects and looked specifically at how the vestibular sense, which is responsible for balance, posture and spatial orientation, interacts with the gustatory sensory system, which impacts taste and flavor.

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Maybe it's best to throw up our hands - and remember that Lincoln's sexual orientation is but a small part of his historical legacy.


The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so "coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret.


If you fear you'll go to prison rather than college because of the color of your skin, or that your family will be deported because of your legal status, or that you may be a victim of violence because of your religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, then it's difficult to reach your full potential.


She then went on to explain how the fight for women's vote is symbolic of all "members of society who have been marginalised ", whether on account of their "race, gender, ethnicity or orientation.

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The customer, gay rights activist Gareth Lee, sued the company for discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and political beliefs.


Extended, elaborate freshmen orientation schedules are another intended prophylactic against loneliness, which is a common reason for dropping out.


Anything from speculating on a colleague's sexual orientation to making a relatively indirect comment like, "Oh, to be a newlywed again," plants a permanent seed in the brains of all who hear it that casts you in a negative light.


Genes linked to homosexuality have been discovered by scientists in the biggest ever study into the genetic basis for sexual orientation.


In that work, David Garcia, chair of systems design at the sci-tech university ETH Zürich, used a social network member's personal information to infer relationship status and sexual orientation of the members' contacts who did not have their own user accounts on that social networking site.


Anything from speculating on a colleague's sexual orientation to making a relatively indirect comment like, "Oh, to be a newlywed again," plants a permanent seed in the brains of all who hear it that casts you in a negative light.


The common secrets that people were less likely to keep to themselves were abortion, marriage proposals and sexual orientation.


Set the right kind of goals Shift your plans, goals and resolutions to an intrinsic orientation.


The promise that will propel you forward, regardless of the color of your skin, your religion, your gender, your sexual orientation, or your station in life.


Specifically the bits of the brain responsible for spatial orientation, memory formation, strategic planning, and fine motor skills.


The word was first used in 1970, and has been used by colleges post-election to describe themselves as campuses that will protect students who might feel in danger due to their religious beliefs, sexual orientation, race or gender.


I don't have to imagine the orientation of any of the letters, it's like its been fed into my brain cells.


Switch the orientation when shooting panoramas When you want to shoot a panoramic shot but would prefer to capture the scene from left to right, rather than the default right to left, just tap the arrow that tracks your stability and it'll switch sides.

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