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But he died prematurely of diphtheria, and Rosamond afterwards married an elderly and wealthy physician, who took kindly to her four children.


Her baby had been born prematurely, and all the embroidered robes and caps had to be laid by in darkness.


"I am sure you would be the last woman to marry again prematurely, if our dear Rector were taken away.


He was a fat little man, with short legs, young still—he could not have been more than thirty—but prematurely bald.


The lock was silver, though tarnished from age; at each end were the imperfect remains of handles also of silver, broken perhaps prematurely by some strange violence; and, on the centre of the lid, was a mysterious cipher, in the same metal.

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Matthew recollected that he must say what he had come to say without loss of time, lest Marilla return prematurely.


Scientists found that people who drank more than two sugary drinks a day were 17% more likely to die prematurely than those who rarely had them.


Staff realised she needed an emergency caesarean , as she had signs of acute placental abruption — where the placenta separates prematurely from the uterus.


" Once you've resolutely decided to end things, however, you shouldn't delay the conversation or prematurely act like you're single, Sussman says.

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''60 Patrick Sinner of Sinners Domino Entertainment said: "The fly triggered the chain reaction prematurely.


However, not everyone is happy about the prospect of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes being used to prematurely terminate their offspring.


Furthermore, of the 8,700 people studied, those who lost a home were 87 percent more likely to die prematurely than those who did not.


Going back to school prematurely : Depending on your new career choice, you may need to get another degree.

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A newborn baby has been awarded free flights for life after it was born prematurely mid-flight.


A study found pedal power could cut the risk of dying prematurely by 41%.


A study found pedal power could cut the risk of dying prematurely by 41%.


Loneliness can accelerate cognitive decline in older adults, and isolated individuals are twice as likely to die prematurely as those with more robust social interactions.


In the process, it has triggered questions about its debt levels and graphically illustrated the cost of touting its achievements prematurely: one of its prototype electric cars was involved in a crash during its drive from Los Angeles to a San Francisco press conference in October.


Perceived age is also important because it can be linked to a person's actual health and their risk of dying prematurely, other research has suggested.


In those cases, the affected cells age prematurely.

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