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" Lydgate surveyed her for a moment, as if he were looking for symptoms, and then said, "Oh, if I could have got six hundred from Plymdale for furniture and as premium, I might have managed.


But I have saved my little purse for Alfred's premium: I have ninety-two pounds.


It said it would likely sell at a 3 to 10 shekel premium above the price of the simple pale blue medical masks many Israelis wear.


Some companies have begun offering employees more flexibility, and the government has launched a campaign called "Premium Friday," which encourages workers to leave early every last Friday of the month.


Made from premium beef with just the right measure of spices and no additives, it was as tasty as he had promised.


It alsoplans to offer premium services, such as the printing of photobooks documentingthe progress of a relationship.


The 1960s saw a resurgence in "premium" ice cream, while the following decades saw the market fragment into low-fat varieties for the health-conscious, including frozen yogurt, fruit bars, ice milk, fat-free ice cream, and dozens of other varieties.


The Spring 2019 line features premium sportswear products ranging in price from £29 to £500, the designs of which have all been inspired by Beckham's experiences of living in London and Los Angeles.


I have thought about her often over the years and how she struggled in a society that places an incredible premium on looks, class, wealth and all the other fineries of life.


Top jobs in these sectors can command a premium and often employ many women, explains Sheila Wild, a British equality consultant and a former director at the Equal Opportunities Commission.


Under the committees' proposals for a "social care premium", employees and employers would split contributions, with tax levied through a new mechanism or added to the existing National Insurance scheme.


Matt Hancock, the Health and Social Care Secretary, said he was "attracted to" a cross-party plan for a compulsory premium deducted from the earnings of over 40s and over 65s.

iPhone XR测评:适合我们大多数人的实惠机型

This year's other iPhones — namely the XS and XS Max devices, which cost about $1,000 and $1,100 and are already in stores — are luxury devices better suited for enthusiasts willing to spend a premium for superior cameras or a jumbo screen.


Luckin, which only officially launched in January, has opened more than 660 outlets in 13 Chinese cities thanks to a supercharged growth plan based on cheap delivery, online ordering, big discounts and premium pay for its staff.


I believe people would be willing to pay a premium for electrified vegetables and fruits in the near future," he said.

有史以来最昂贵的iphone! 据说最新版iphone有512G版

Rumors about a 512GB iPhone option popped up about this same time last year and almost 30% of 9to5Mac readers said "yes" or "probably" to the proposition of whether they'd pay a premium for 512GB of storage.

人生第一笔工资 怎么花才最有意义?

Also, usually, the younger you are, the lesser premium you pay on health insurance.


Buzz Pop Cocktails are made from fresh fruits and premium liquors, but what really sets them apart from other boozy frozen treats is the alcohol content.


But a new study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology has found that there's more to the beauty premium than meets the eye.


" In the end, the watch's sale tag of $912,500 included a buyer's premium.

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