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He stood silent, hoping that the presence of the light would serve to waken the sleeper gradually and gently, for he feared some noise as the consequence of a too sudden awakening.


She shuddered, tossed about in her bed, and envied every quiet sleeper.


There were very few people in the day coaches at that time of night, so we made a slim haul until we got to the sleeper.


If his rage had broken him into a hundred pieces every one of them would have disregarded the incident, and leapt at the sleeper.


Here are the top 10 weirdest jobs in the world: : 10) Professional sleeper: A hotel in Finland hired a member of staff as a 'professional sleeper' to test the comfort of their beds.


It pulls a sleeper out of REM and deeper sleep.

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If you're a light sleeper, try snoozing under your desk.


; light eater/drinker/smoker // light sleeper 3.


If you are Travelling in Indian Railway and that too in sleeper class then never keep your shoes on the fan… never do this because according to fans mechanism it will pull all your shoe dirt and add it air which eventually you will breathe.


Airbus has announced that carriers will be able to choose from a range of sleeper compartment configurations in the holds of A330 aircraft by 2020 -- and that it's also looking to offer this feature on the A350 XWB.


Waking a sleepwalker, therefore, would doom the sleeper to a soulless existence.


People who have failed to fulfill court orders will be unable to travel by plane, sleeper train, or first-class coaches on high-speed trains and bullet trains with their passports in China, according to the Supreme People's Court (SPC).


Not every sleeper is the same, of course: Dinges has found that some people who need eight hours will immediately feel the wallop of one four-hour night, while other eight-hour sleepers can handle several four-hour nights before their performance deteriorates.


Monkey King: Hero Is Back was the sleeper hit of the year when it became the best-selling animated film in the Middle Kingdom.


" You're a restless sleeper By the time you wake after a night of poor sleep, two hormones linked to appetite have already begun conspiring against you.


"Jonathan" is using the home rentals company Airbnb to rent out his fleet of more than 50 vehicles -- there's even a sleeper taxi -- to adventurous travelers, according to the New York Daily News.

三片蛇叶 The three snake-leaves

And once when the young King lay there asleep, she called in the skipper and seized the sleeper by the head, and the skipper took him by the feet, and thus they threw him down into the sea.


Blind references are like sleeper cells that can either make or break your career, decades into the future.

旅游日记Travelling Diary

But my companion Bill who was a poor sleeper went for a walk up the hills.


While we spend hundreds of billions of dollars fighting the terrorist threat overseas, animal sleeper cells are biding their time, veloping strange and fabulous powers far beyond those of man.

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