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That Ladislaw had stayed in Middlemarch nearly two months after he had declared that he was going immediately, was a fact to embitter Sir James's suspicions, or at least to justify his aversion to a "young fellow" whom he represented to himself as slight, volatile, and likely enough to show such recklessness as naturally went along with a position unriveted by family ties or a strict profession.


Lydgate made her drink a dose of sal volatile.


She resigned no domestic function to her daughter; and the matron's blooming good-natured face, with the two volatile pink strings floating from her fine throat, and her cheery manners to husband and children, was certainly among the great attractions of the Vincy house—attractions which made it all the easier to fall in love with the daughter.


'He's a good boy, but very light and volatile in character, and simply cannot hold his tongue.


"We were surprised by the wide array of hazardous volatile organic compounds that were off-gassing from the audience -- including some that are known to be carcinogens in people, such as benzene and formaldehyde.


The online survey of 28,153 people in more than 51 countries by global marketing and information firm Nielsen found that as the world grapples with a recession and financial markets remain volatile, many people are reminding themselves that money can't buy happiness.


Volatile happiness.


Thanks to their powerful sense of smell, dogs can pick up on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in human bodies, which include diseases like cancer.

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It was Rich Page, a volatile engineer who was responsible for much of the Lisa's design.


Those vapors are volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


"Our analysis revealed that volatile sulphur production is turbocharged in durians, which fits with many people's opinions that durian smell has a 'sulphury' aspect," said geneticist Patrick Tan, who co-led the study.


It has long been known that chopping onions induces tears due to a volatile gas released by onion cells when damaged by the knife.


Particles of carbon produced when fossil fuels are burned can lead to similar problems but they are also coated with toxic heavy metals, chemicals and volatile organic compounds.


Singapore tops the list as the most expensive city for the third time in a row, but in a year when costs around the world have been highly volatile.


The new standards are aimed at reducing the emission of volatile organic compounds, cutting the formation of PM2.


However, investors have been slow to shift their view of Apple as a volatile hardware maker, vulnerable to the fluctuations of the consumer electronics market, rather than a software company with stable recurring revenues.


They are also highly volatile.

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"Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love," they said.


It has long been known that chopping onions induces tears due to a volatile gas released by onion cells when damaged by the knife.


Certain house plants help purify indoor air, removing harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollutants, which can improve air quality and give you a cleaner, healthier work environment.

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