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It hoped to capitalise on a perceived rejection of ostentatious luxury in favour of privacy, authenticity and natural environments.


The following 11 "laws" that make people likable: 11"": The Law of Authenticity: The real you is the best you.


Reality TV thrives on the lure of authenticity, and "Idol" married that to the populist cult of the fan.


"They are used to seeing authenticity online.


In replying to a question about authenticity, Ed Bedrick Autographs said: 'This is an AUTHENTIC lock of Princess Diana's hair NOT synthetic.


For a movie that blissfully ignores the scientific consensus that dinosaurs were feathered, it may come as no surprise that the authenticity of its animal-trainer ethos ends when Mr.

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The authenticity of his challenge had drawn widespread doubts with Chen kept denying them, saying he knows martial arts and once was trained in the well-known Shaolin Temple.


"The difficulty of the ordeal seems a means of testing the authenticity of his/her commitment to the project of becoming French," the sociologists Didier Fassin and Sarah Mazouz concluded in their 2009 paper "What Is It to Become French?


Steakhouses around the world are well-known for touting their authenticity.

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Kill Now this one I hope you're not saying with authenticity.


The push for men to express their feelings presumes that we have feelings, and we do have a few, but they remain submerged, and the airing of them often violates their authenticity.


Dare the difference For IMF boss Christine Lagarde, authenticity is the cornerstone of confidence.

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