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It was reported that Stevens, 32, was in negotiations to play the dual roles the Prince and Beast by The Hollywood Reporter opposite Emma Watson's Belle.


The 24-year-old Harry Potter star announced the big news on her Facebook page: Disney has found its Belle for the upcoming live action Beauty and the Beast film.


Belle Beth Cooper has shared her views on Crew Blog: ,.

培根散文随笔集 论美

But this holds not always:for Augustus Caesar,Titus Vespasianus,Philip le Belle of France,Edward the Fourth of England,Alcibiades of Athens,Ismael the Sophy of Persia,were all high and great spirits;and yet the most beautiful men of their times.

安徒生童话英文版:The Dryad

Here are sounds of soft Italian melodies; yonder, Spanish songs are sung, accompanied by the rattle of the castanets; but strongest of all, and predominating over the rest, the street-organ tunes of the moment, the exciting "Can-Can" music, which Orpheus never knew, and which was never heard by the "Belle Helénè.

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