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This was especially true of visits to country or coastal locations, and to protected sites.


In Qingdao, a coastal city in Shandong, up to 10,000 existing parking slots have been transformed into shared ones with the help of Airparking, an online shared parking platform developed by Guangzhou Yueting Network Technology Co.


Although East China's coastal province Jiangsu ranks the fourth, it is home to many foreign companies due to the preferential policies to attract elite-level international talents.


This coastal county is in Lonely Planet's list of top destinations in Asia to visit in 2016.


If they want to buy a house in the city proper and parts of its coastal areas, they must provide personal income tax or social security records for at least a year in Hainan.


A Cruise to Croatia A trendy 2017 travel destination, Croatia appeals to travelers of all kinds with its eclectic cuisine, vibrant culture and dramatic coastal scenery.


Just as the geopolitical spread among Trump's support is split between urban and rural, coastal and central, so, unsurprisingly, is interest in his daughter's clothes and bangles.


Coastal walking/cycling and beach activities , For those who live far away from mountains, coastal regions and beaches are good places to spend time in the summer.


"The fare adjustment will start from April 21, with a focus on high-speed routes in the country's southeastern coastal areas.


Over the period from 1980 to 2016, sea level readings at China's coastal regions rose at an average rate of 3.


" China will step up efforts to plan and establish 20 national forest reserves in seven key areas, including southeastern coastal areas and middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, in hopes of reducing the country's dependence on timber imports to less than 30 percent by 2030, Yan revealed.


Salty — Coastal Areas and Northern China 2.


And up to 5,500 square kilometres of coastal plains could end up under water – meaning Italy could be completely submerged by the end of the century.


Snappily dressed office girls in high heels can be seen picking their way through plowed fields on their way home, a product of the mass migration of rural people to China's coastal cities in search of better-paid jobs in service industries and factories.


between coastal elites and communities left behind by globalization.


In 1793, he was sent to Vendee, a coastal region in France, to help suppress a Royalist insurgency there.

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In a video narrated by American movie star Matt Damon, the complex is described as offering clear air, a temperate climate and a coastal location "that strongly recalls Southern California".


Despite its location in the less-developed southwest, the city has benefited from the central government's effort to bridge the gap between the coastal and inland regions.


Shrimp aquaculture has resulted in the large-scale degradation of coastal areas, the destruction of wetlands, and salinization of freshwater areas and drinking water.


The move follows the introduction of similar restrictions in the second-tier cities of Xiamen and Hangzhou, with all three cities located in booming coastal provinces.

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