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The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(201)

I doze off, and, when I wake up, I see the sun rising in a buttermilk sky through the window next to the nurses' station.


A study by sleep experts at Sealy UK found that those who kip on the right hand side of themattress are far more pessimistic than those who doze on the left.


Only about 8 percent of Americans doze off in their birthday suits, but many more should consider going to bed in the buff.


Tarantulas doze under bowls.


Second, even though the bagger will be violently doze if they don't beg enough money a day, there is nothing we can do, but let the government to deal with it.

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Even a doze lasting just six minutes can mean a profound increase in declarative memory performance, according to a 2008 Journal of Sleep Research study.

10个小妙招 帮你赶走失眠

Turning down the lights ahead of your bedtime ramps up melatonin production, so you can successfully doze off, says Steve Orma, PsyD, a San Francisco–based psychologist specializing in anxiety and insomnia.


He was a banker;when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break,the cobbler awoke him with his song.


Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment of doze.


In these cool, dim caverns the temperature never varies, and the bottles can doze in perfect conditions, mountain after dark green mountain of them, a champagne lover's foretaste of paradise.


Other passengers on the bus did not seem to doze , look out the windows or bury themselves in their favorite newspapers.

格林童话英文版:The Griffin

All night long he could not sleep in his bed, and if he did doze for a moment, he dreamt of beautiful maidens, of palaces, of gold, and of silver, and all kinds of things of that sort.

Silent Angel

I occasionally doze off, only to be awakened by the agonizing pain of another collapsed vein and infiltrating fluids.

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