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Habitat loss and fragmentation is putting the gibbons at risk of extinction.


Furious 7 raked in more than $350m, Transformers: Age of Extinction pulled in $286m and Zootopia took $221m in ticket sales.


Nearly half the species on the planet are failing to cope with global warming the world has already experienced, according to an alarming new study that suggests the sixth mass extinction of animal life in the Earth's history could take place in as little as 50 years.


Styles Facing Extinction Bian Embroidery was regarded as a National Treasure during the Northern Song Dynasty.


It's truly unknown what kind of broader effect the systematic extinction of mosquitos would have on the eco-system.


With improved technology and greater drive for money, fish of all kinds are being over hunted, reducing the biomass of some fish to the verge of extinction.


" The scientists also found that radiation could lead to more anxiety, as the rodents had their sense of "fear extinction" affected.


In his book about the baiji's plight, Witness to Extinction, biologist Samuel Turvey described how thousands of years of human activity had decimated the Yangtze basin, a bio-diverse area once regarded as the Amazon of the East.


In Mr Musk's view, that could allow mankind to become a multi-planet species — thus cheating its inevitable extinction on Earth.


Now Yumingzui is on the verge of extinction.


Extinction rates have been estimated to be about 1,000 times higher than they should be, and that's all due to human influence—and interference.


Almost one third, 23,928, are listed as being threatened with extinction.


As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction.


Appendix I lists species that are in danger of extinction.


Though it may be hard to sympathize, devil facial tumor disease threatens the creatures with extinction.


But accepting the near-inevitable bestowing of personal Jurassic status is one thing; openly inviting mass extinction is quite another.


They are plentiful, at no particular risk of extinction, and utterly delicious, having sweeter and better-textured flesh than fish.


2014: "Iceland's actions jeopardize the survival of the fin whale, which is listed in CITES among the species most threatened with extinction, and they undermine multilateral efforts to ensure greater worldwide protection for whales.


Bardot and Morrissey saying that feral cats prey on more than 100 of the country's threatened species and that they were a "major contributor" to the extinction of at least 27 mammal species in the country over the past 200 years.


According to a memo released by the White House last Thursday, President Barack Obama will read the following books while on vacation in Martha's Vineyard: ,·: All That Is, James Salter 《》,· All The Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr 《》,· The Sixth Extinction, Elizabeth Kolbert 《》,· The Lowland, Jhumpa Lahiri 《》,· Between The World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates 《》,-· Washington: A Life, Ron Chernow 《》,· Most notable on the list may be Between The World and Me, whose au

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