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Using all his skill, the huntsman snuck up on the bird and managed to seize it by the claws, but soon the startled creature left a huge odious blob of excrement on the hunter's shoulder.

金娃娃 The gold-children

"Wilt thou be silent, thou odious toad," said he, "or I will shoot thee dead.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 07

I wished a round score of men--in case of natives, buccaneers, or the odious French--and I had the worry of the deuce itself to find so much as half a dozen, till the most remarkable stroke of fortune brought me the very man that I required.

格林童话英文版:The Gold-Children

Will you be silent, you odious toad, said he, or I will shoot you dead.

格林童话英文版:The Three Spinners

" "Ah," said the bridegroom, "how comest thou by these odious friends?

格林童话英文版:The Frog King, or Iron Henry

"Now, will you be quiet, odious frog," said she.

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