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These rivers flow through rugged mountains towards southeastern plain of Beijing and in the end join the Bohai Sea.


The company also announced at the Detroit show that it would introduce two other models in the American market this year, both made in Ghent, Belgium: the S60 Cross Country, a sedan with some of the same rugged designs as the company's Cross Country wagons, and the XC90 R-Design, a seven-seat sport utility vehicle.


At 65, Ms Tsukimi is one of the younger residents of Nagoro, a small village nestled in the rugged mountain landscape of interior of the southern island of Shikoku.

中国北方美食漂洋过海 征服纽约

Rugged hunks of gluten are tossed in, springy touches among crunchy sprouts, peanuts and cucumber.

My Father, My Son, My Self(上)

He was a rugged teaser, and it was during his teasing that I always sensed his great, unspoken love.


As Indonesia marks World Environment Day on Thursday, husbands-and brides-to-be in Gorontalo, a rugged mountainous province on Sulawesi island, are being required to plant 10 seedlings supplied by the local government, said Hasyim Alidrus, head of the religious affairs office.


But these were rugged and bare.

The Story of the Third Calender, Son of a King

As may be supposed--continued the pilot--the mountain sides are very rugged, but on the summit stands a brass dome supported on pillars, and bearing on top the figure of a brass horse, with a rider on his back.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-II

The glaciers seemed to spread above them like a continued chain of masses of ice, piled up in wild confusion between bare and rugged rocks.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

So they continued their journey across the rugged heath.


Today's unknown route through a rugged canyon might well become a dotted red line on some future map.

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