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The deal is the latest in a series of mergers involving container-shipping lines, spurred by sluggish trade growth and overcapacity that have served to create some of the worst conditions in the sector's 60-year history.


3bn in the fourth quarter, making it Apple's second-largest source of income after the iPhone amid another sluggish performance by the Mac and iPad.


But now the trend is to lower the payroll due to a sluggish economy, dropping industrial profit growth and the nation's call to close the income gap.


Just when the Korean electronics manufacturer was regaining momentum in the sluggish smartphone market, the sweeping recall resets Samsung's attempt to head off Apple's annual launch.

中国经济增长放缓 消费热点在哪里

Yet many are also left scratching their heads by news that sales of a wide range of consumer products, from luxury cars to cheap local beer, are so sluggish.


Gao Hucheng said at a G20 meeting in Shanghai that major economies must lead the way in tackling problems, including slowing trade and sluggish growth.


Analysts fear that will make Japan less competitive relative to other Asian destinations, especially now that many Chinese are making their second or third visit, choking off a crucial source of demand for the sluggish economy.


As a result, you're likely to feel heavy and sluggish on the mat.


5 per cent between the fourth quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of this year, outpacing the US and the UK and fuelling expectations that the single currency area's sluggish recovery had reached a turning point.


Mr Mondino, though, feared that sluggish economic growth in EMs could lead to damaging policy responses, such as a sharp rise in protectionist measures witnessed in recent years.


Too much more than that and you might just feel more sluggish when you wake up.


Sluggish economic performance has hampered employment levels in Greece, Spain and Portugal, with job seekers in these countries facing the worst job prospects, the report adds.


Many economists point out that productivity growth has been sluggish for a long time, which hardly seems to be a precursor to a transformative economic take-off.


Women now earn what men did a decade ago, according to the World Economic Forum, underlining the sluggish global progress made in bridging the gender divide over the past 10 years.


It makes you feel sluggish.


Heavy workloads and pressure from superiors have made South Koreans reluctant holidaymakers but there are growing signs that this culture may be changing with big Korean companies encouraging staff to take more time off to boost productivity and creativity, prodded by a government campaign to develop tourism in an attempt to boost sluggish domestic spending.


His animation style is extremely delicate and realistic, as he makes sure to highlight details like the sparkling reflection of sun on water, the sluggish ) pace of a snail moving up a plant or a wisp ) of hair delicately blowing in the wind.


It can be easy to breeze through your morning on only a cup of joe, but research suggests eating breakfast can help you kickstart your metabolism and help increase your energy so you're not feeling sluggish later on.


Remember that high-protein meals are likely to keep you awake, foods high in carbohydrates promote sleep, and fatty foods may make you feel sluggish.


The thing is, when your blood sugar is too high or too low, it makes you feel tired, sluggish and sleepy.

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