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This could make the cultivating this nutritious staple crop more difficult.


This could make the cultivating this nutritious staple crop more difficult.

研究发现 红枣居然成了抗癌的超级食物

Jujube fruits, which are known as red dates due to them looking similar to the Middle-Eastern staple, programme lung, breast and prostate cancer cells to commit suicide, a study published in the journal Food & Function found.


Fill up on staple foods Without rice, which is low in fat and high in nutrients and fibre, claims Clissold, it is impossible to eat until you are full.


But there are important reasons to make fruit a daily staple in your diet, even when you're working to slim down.


It's been a staple for fast food lovers since being rolled out nationwide in 1968.


Hailing from the Canadian Maritime provinces, seafood had already been a staple of their diet.


Chicken and turkey Poultry is a staple of The Reflux Diet.


'We're all guilty, and every now and then you have to splurge, but the problem is that so many people are getting into eating fast food, especially kids, as their staple, and I think that's the point,' Ordon said.


Hot water only adds to the long list of reasons why water should be a staple in your diet.


Ugg boots and their sheepskin counterparts have been a winter-weather staple for several years now, combining function, comfort, warmth and even some style.


People from high-profile exercise gurus to military experts are arguing that the sit-up, that staple of fitness tests, presents too great a risk of back injury.


Rice might be a staple in many cuisines around the world, but let's face it - all the starch isn't exactly great for you.


Rice might be a staple in many cuisines around the world, but let's face it - all the starch isn't exactly great for you.


Rice, one of the world's most important staple foods sustaining more than half of the global population, was first domesticated in China about 10,000 years ago, a new study suggested last Monday.


People from high-profile exercise gurus to military experts are arguing that the sit-up, that staple of fitness tests, presents too great a risk of back injury.


That's made it a staple at lavish banquets, the very ones discouraged by Chinese President Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign.


Growth in spending on large-ticket items continues to outstrip that on more staple items.


" The study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution looked at the staple foods of over 140 species of primates, and assumed their diets haven't changed much over the course of recent evolution.


It's a staple lunch-choice for city-workers all over the country and you're never far from a restaurant or supermarket selling the traditional Japanese delicacy.

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