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On the way back from a grouse shoot on Saturday, the Queen could be seen chatting amiably with Carole – peering over the steering wheel of her Range Rover and pointing out beauty spots.


We do it because it makes drinks taste fresh, but it's an indulgence we should consider steering clear of.


"I commend China for steering the G20 summit this year in such a successful way leading the G20 towards an action agenda that will come in full support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.


In reality, the technology tracks other vehicles on the road and monitors lane lines, taking control of steering and braking.


A BMW spokesman said it expects a steering wheel and pedals to remain in the fully self-driving vehicle, in case the driver wants to be in control.


My knuckles whitened from my tense grip on the steering wheel.


" But all the time Drinian was steadily steering to the starboard, like tiresome people in cars who continue at forty miles an hour while you are explaining to them that they are on the wrong road.


"They've stolen the dashboard, the steering wheel, even the brake pedal!


And so, for the next ten minutes, I was at the helm8, steering a perfect line through some of the most perfect waters in the world.


It's steering you toward your perfect career.


Steering the curriculum so that it would best meet their needs in terms of content and delivery was among the most important elements of my remit.


Google's self-driving-car project is focused on producing a fully autonomous car, and its prototype does not have pedals or a steering wheel, though Google does add a steering wheel and other controls when it tests the vehicles on public roads.


In the company's video, it shows a driver pushing a button and the steering wheel unravels then recedes back into the dashboard.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(133)

Maneuvering the steering wheel with his mangled hand, he pointed to mud-hut villages along the way where he'd known people years before.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(124)

He lit a cigarette and tucked it between the remaining two fingers of his left hand, the one resting on the steering wheel.


Evaluating means steering clear of quick judgment and jumping to conclusions: "Make sure you have all the pertinent information before forming or expressing an opinion.


He opens the car again and honks the steering wheel horn several times.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(13)

I remember how Baba's hands clenched around the steering wheel.


The real trick to carbs, according to a host of nutritionists, is eating them – or steering clear of them – based around how much physical activity you're doing.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 30

Doctor, when a man's steering as near the wind as me--playing chuck-farthing with the last breath in his body, like--you wouldn't think it too much, mayhap, to give him one good word?

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