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The old lady was evidently accustomed to tell her company what they ought to think, and to regard no subject as quite safe without her steering.


By rights he ought to be here now, either steering or attending to the horse, though luckily the horse has sense enough to attend to himself.


This also allows people to sit with a group of two or three friends or family members, while steering clear of other parties on board.


And as he slid behind the steering wheel, driving carefully from the driveway onto the street, the truck was swallowed up9) by dawn's dimness.

离别 Parting Sorrows

While the ship was steering ahead slowly, I saw on the way many warships in gray or white lying at anchor and fly flags other than our national ones.

让司机好好开车! 多地公交加装司机隔离门!

Media reports have found at least 24 incidents of passengers grabbing the steering wheel of a bus in 2018.

英语故事:铭记 Remember

She climbed in the car, put her head on the steering wheel, and sobbed for half an hour.


Trump kept steering the conversation back to the size of his rallies, noting that he and Mr.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第52期:旅游时携带有利节食的食物

Yes,it sounds tempting,but you still have to fit behind that steering wheel later.


Clean your steering wheel and other parts of your car you touch a lot.


Stuck to the steering wheel was a heart.


Car manufacturers are exploring technologies packed into the back of the seat that detect when people fall asleep while driving and rattle the steering wheel to awaken them.


In addition, 16% of drivers keep their phone or satnav behind the steering wheel, on the passenger seat or near the gear stick.


And, of course, even though some companies are experimenting, steering past a traditional mentality on what constitutes professional growth can take years to change.


Eventually both give up conventional steering instead trading horse power for arm power.


Yet I came away from my meeting with Mr Hamilton pretty sure that not long from now, the notion of humans steering vehicles will, as he believes, seem as anachronistic and undesirable as jousting or duelling.


Traditional air-bag systems mounted in the car's steering wheel and elsewhere use a hot gas to rapidly inflate the bag during a crash.


Mr Kogai, known among employees for his down-to-earth manner, is credited with steering Mazda away from overambitious sales targets, but its turnround could once again be jeopardised by the yen's stubborn rise.


Taking a deep drag on his cigarette while resting on the steering wheel of his truck, he looks like a parody of a middle-aged lorry driver.


All of this has served to raise expectations that Google's Assistant will reach new standards in understanding language and supplying more intelligent guidance, from answering direct questions to steering users through tasks such as finding a restaurant for dinner or arranging a flight.

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