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Violations and disputes are not uncommon, however a strong emphasis is given to broadening people's awareness and reinforcing the execution of laws.

NBA值得期待的未来之星 塔图姆

The Celtics have emerged as a relatively conflict-free collection of rising stars, with Tatum and his uncommon poise representing the epitome of their potential.


What are some uncommon habits that contribute to success?

印度一警察部队要求警察减肥 否则将被停职

It's not uncommon to see Indian policemen struggling with weight issues.


The pair got the idea after travelling together to south-east Asia, where it is not uncommon to eat insects.

Cat and mouse in partnership

"That is a very odd and uncommon name.

乔布斯传 第60期:奇迹从车库开始(1)

When there was the occasional eruption of temper, an occurrence not uncommon around his son, (), Paul would impart some of his calm.


Globally, it's not uncommon for non-alcoholic beverages to be sold in the same system as alcoholic beverages.


In the new Travel Risk Map 2018, the country is listed as having a "low" travel risk, which means "violent crime rates are low, and racial, sectarian or political violence or civil unrest is uncommon".


But it's not uncommon for a mum two years in to be diagnosed with depression.


It's not uncommon for parents of freshmen college students to drive their children to their new school as a way to say their last goodbyes as their children set off on their adult lives.


9% accuracy, and the only inconsistencies occurred in trials with highly uncommon blood types.


It's not uncommon for Indian parents to start saving for their children's weddings decades in advance.


" Although Tokyo has some 160,000 restaurants, long queues are not uncommon.


According to Patrick King, a communications expert and business author, it's not uncommon to start a new job and immediately want to quit.


After all, it is not uncommon for companies to raise capital from would-be buyers.


Some internet commenters were not surprised, believing lip-synching is not uncommon in China.

澳洲奇女子 梦中买买买

We don't know why people sleep walk or talk, but we do know that it is not uncommon at some stage of your life to do some for of activity.


It is not uncommon for senior staff to feel their research eminence somehow absolves them of this commitment, at least as far as undergraduate teaching is concerned.

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