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辉煌壮丽的暴风雨 Glories of the Storm

They plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof.


" When running into an issue in your life, the first person you usually vent to or discuss it with is your partner.

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I do this not only so I can keep tabs on her professional life, but also to give her a great chance to vent about her situation.


Sometimes we need to vent about the place we work.


Sometimes we need to vent about the place we work.


The hydrogen, which is escaping into space from a hydrothermal vent on the moon's seafloor, could be a sign of methanogenesis, a form of anaerobic respiration in which microbes produce methane.


Here are 10 things you can do once you get in from work, or when the kids are at school, to help you unwind, relax, and vent.


Open your air vent, and aim it so it passes just in front of your face.


Zaac also offers a 'couples therapy' option which costs 35 and gives customers the chance to vent their anger for 20 minutes to wreck 11 small and medium items.


Many angry internet users took to sites such as Twitter and Reddit to vent their frustrations: "It's not OK to show me ads that detract from your website design and make it ugly," said one.


Martin, I admit, like you, I did give vent to an exclamation of surprise.

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Parents took to social media to vent their fury describing their children as 'crying, shaking and terrified'.


Employee got his toe caught in a vent cover.


The Development of Lyric Poems In the surging Chinese literary flow, the Chinese ancestors selected the concise, reverberating lyric poems as a medium to give vent to their native sentiments and unsophisticated ideals.


Resenting someone may cause you to vent your frustrations to other people.


Vent to someone who knows you well.


Whether it is to chant things to express one's aspirations or describe the scenery to give vent to one's feelings, the writer is expected to be very good at summarization, and proficient in Chinese so as to produce a couplet in a few characters, which is excellent in both content and language, full of aesthetic beauty, and thought-provoking.


he Internet is a popular place for shoppers to vent.


7 – Stop Complaining We all have problems, and sometimes we need to vent to someone.

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