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The sales figures were announced by Penguin Random House last Friday.


The rest of the week, the retired teacher and coach never leaves the house without a few in his pocket, and he hands them out to random people he meets.

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24 volunteers were shown 40 pictures of strangers, paired with random names.


Dutton Books for Young Readers, which is part of Penguin Random House, began releasing the first dwarsliggers in the US, with four novels by the best-selling young-adult novelist John Green, including "The Fault in Our Stars".

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Just random people shooting threes with perfect form.


Feeling a pit in my stomach, I followed the group into a store they decided to enter at random, and walked idly around the interior as I gazed at the golden lights, the shiny surfaces, the hard edges, and the beautiful clothes.

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"It sounds quite random but you can really get an idea of the person they are," said Stott, who recommends asking this question early on.


Instead of going home with me at the end of the trip, he stayed and got drunk with some of his friends who conveniently showed up, and slept with random girls.

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"I can tell the blog is well read because I heard from all sorts of random people.


In order to reach their conclusions, a team of statisticians analysed a random sample of over 500 of the most successful individuals from 11 different career groups to identify statistically significant patterns.


Trump went even farther by blackmailing, intimidating or containing others through the random use of "extreme pressure", "extreme sanctions", "zero tolerance", "breach of bottom lines," and "withdrawals" from organizations or deals in international relations.


The UK Visas and Immigration said it reserved the right to request evidence of finances or language ability, and would do so for a random sample of applications.


A smiling couple were unaware of a horrified waiter in the background of their snap who was being touched inappropriately by a random hand ,.


Engage yourself in some random work like drawing , dancing , writing , reading ,any hobby u possess.

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Girl, you are single; one day you will look back, and even though you are beyond happily married, you will remember the boozy brunches, marathon shopping sessions, random road trips, and late nights spent on the phone with your best friend talking about nothing.


Sleep-talking or somniloquy can range from random noises to complete sentences.

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Could you imagine how crazy it would be if at like 3:30 in the morning LeBron just retweeted some random ass persons tweet saying "LeBrons going to x team".


Set to be published next week by Random House, Mr.

万物简史 第52期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(16)

As these endlessly bumped and collided, they fractured or split ,,, or recombined in endless random permutations, but in every encounter there was a winner, ,, and some of the winners grew big enough to dominate the orbit around which they traveled.

万物简史 第38期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(2)

Now imagine fifteen hundred more tables like the first one ,,1500 enough to fill a Wal-Mart parking lot, say, or to make a single line two miles long 3 each with a random array of salt across it.

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