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1: Germany - Faust :《》 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust is a tragic play in two parts.


"; "Mudbound"; "My Journey Through French Cinema"; "Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer"; "The Ornithologist"; "Patti Cake$"; "Personal Shopper"; "The Post"; "Professor Marston and the Wonder Women"; "Quest"; "Song to Song"; "Tonsler Park"; "Twin Peaks: The Return"; "The Woman Who Left"; "Wonderstruck.


after his tragic death in 2013.


At the end both funny and tragic, reading this play is the perfect way to improve your German.


A fascinating implication of this research is that it could help explain the popularity of tragic art, be that in drama, music or books.


"Life is wonderful from time to time, but it's also tragic.


The president of Dentsu stepped down in the wake of the tragic incident and the company has since announced new measures such as switching off the office lights between 10pm and 5am.


For example, they might make a joke at a funeral or right after a tragic event.


Family Life by Akhil Sharma 《》 It's a beautiful yet tragic novel about an Indian family immigrating to America, only to face entirely new hardships.


" 'You don't want anything bad to happen to anyone, but there are so many tragic, painful, inexplicable things in the world.


Mr Cook became Apple's chief executive in August 2011 in tragic and extremely difficult circumstances: just before the death of Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder and guiding genius.


"We are announcing this recall given the recent tragic death of a third child.


Although when even your dessert stomach gets full, it's tragic.


Of course you cannot fix all of your problem at once but you can train your mind to develop the skills which can help either bypass or overcome the depressed and tragic situations so as to give you a big time relaxation while you focus on the solution to your problems.


A co-worker – many of our co-workers live tragic lives at home.


Resiliency The human spirit is strong and resilient, and can overcome some of the most tragic circumstances.


The messages range in tone, from the tragic and heartbreaking, to the angry and frustrated, but what each one has in common is the level of honesty put across in such a small number of words.


Nobody seemed to be able to stop this tragic epidemic, either the teachers in the schools or the preachers in the churches.


But what is truly startling — and tragic — is the degree to which "the link between academic failure and delinquency, violence and crime is welded to reading failure", as a report from the Department of Justice states.


At the tragic death of the youngest son they could not reach out console one another.

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