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旅游日记Travelling Diary

It got dark soon; we drove fast along the narrow winding road that led to the hills.


A rattlesnake's winding his way up my side.


How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?


All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape, and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacy of their branches!

王维: 过香积寺

A rillet sings over winding rocks, The sun is tempered by green pines.

杜甫: 哀江头

A SONG OF SOBBING BY THE RIVER Du Fu I am only an old woodsman, whispering a sob, As I steal like a spring-shadow down the Winding River.

英语诗歌:Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂

tender is the night, , And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne, , Cluster'd around by all her starry Fays; , But here there is no light, , Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown , Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.


A rattlesnake's winding his way up my side.


Brave souls may climb the 150 stairs winding outside the spire to its top.


The British RAF base where I was stationed as part of a contingent of USAF personnel had one narrow road winding through the crowded residential area.


Brave souls may climb the 150 stairs winding outside the spire to its top.

The Story of the Second Calender, Son of a King

I wandered about for a whole month without knowing where I was going, till at length I found myself on the outskirts of a beautiful city, watered by winding streams, which enjoyed an eternal spring.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-XV

It flashed across the lake in winding, zigzag lines, lighting it up on all sides; while the echoes of the thunder grew louder and stronger.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-IX

It rose, as a plume of feathers, from a steam engine, to which, on the lately-opened railway, a string of carriages was linked, carriage to carriage, looking like a winding serpent.

安徒生童话英文版:The Bishop of Børglum and His Warriors

We mount the winding staircase of stone, and march through the long passages under the heavy roof-beams.

安徒生童话英文版:The Philosopher’s Stone

Each tower was erected in the form of a lily, and within the stern was a winding staircase, through which one could ascend to the top and step out upon the leaves as upon balconies.

Grandfather's Clock

When we grandkids got a little older, he showed us how to open the door to the grandfather clock and let us each take a turn winding the key.

Disaster on a Mountain

" Ruth said a quick prayer as she and Judy watched Marcy from the big window where they could see the road winding down the mountainside.

安徒生童话英文版-2 Little Claus and Big Claus(1835)

By the road she meant the river, for she could not travel any other way; but I knew the winding of the river, and how it bends, sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left, and it seemed a long way, so I chose a shorter one; and, by coming up to the land, and then driving across the fields back again to the river, I shall save half a mile, and get all my cattle more quickly.

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