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4 Jasmine I've found new appreciation for malls.


How do you show appreciation to you mother for everything she does for you?


~Jacques Barzun One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.


White constantly encourages his readers to focus on the number of animals that live alongside us but that we typically ignore, seeing them only out of the corner of our eye, having no appreciation of what they are up to and want.


Beijing is ranked last on the list for its environment pollution, inconvenient transportation and little appreciation of its natural environment by its residents.


" Google's official global Twitter account, with more than 15 million followers, also expressed its appreciation.


According to the team behind the annual survey, 10 items related to well-being at work were identified, broken down into three 'pillars' of 'environment', 'appreciation' and 'emotion'.


After the pitch and before the follow-up, send a quick email expressing your appreciation for their time.


However, investor appreciation for Wanda Commercial, the core of his empire, has not matched this success.


Showing that appreciation once in a while – a thank you or a compliment – goes a long way for the business owner who does nothing but deal with headaches all day long.


Both professionally and personally, these people looked forward to moving ahead and getting appreciation.


Appreciation of Chinese Painting The appreciation of the traditional Chinese painting is influenced by the traditional Chinese philosophy, which advocates observing the micro by way of the macro, and vice versa, not to be limited by a definite space and time, and not laying emphasis on the light and shadow of or the changes in color, or the detail of the external feature.


5、 The next time someone does something extraordinary for you — or even if you just want to thank them for their support — put your appreciation in writing.


"Show more appreciation for the things I do!


(appreciation,gratitude,respect) Eg: please accept this gift as a small token of our appreciation.

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I also want to extend my appreciation to the audience in the stadium, who have been cheering up for us," Liu said.


Singing songs that originated from other cultures can give us a new appreciation for those cultures and help us empathize with others.


Appreciation can protect the heart, according to a 1995 study, not to mention bolster the immune system and even lead to better sleep.

Words to Live by

If you earn much money,the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive; ,,; Remember,not all the best harvest is luck; ,; Understand rules completely and change them reasonably; ,; Remember,the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them; ,; Comment on the success you have attained by looking in the past at the target you wanted to achieve most; ,; In love and cooking,you must give 100% effort……but expect little a


If we are made wiser by a constant appreciation of the complexities of what we are attempting, the faster we shall move towards a solution of the really imperative problems that confront us everywhere.

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