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Fearing that Zhuge Liang might be murdered, Liu Bei send Zhao Yun with 500 warriors to protect him.

林书豪A Raising Star

Jeremy Lin, one of the most popular basketball players in NBA, plays for New York Knicks and leads his team to win, although he was fired by the Golden State Warriors and Houston Rockets.


I am tired, worn out from weeping at the sight of still another death not just on the field of battle laid out by warriors, but in the streets of every city, in the fields of the impoverished, desolate reaches of the world.

沈佺期: 杂诗

LINES Shen Quanqi Against the City of the Yellow Dragon Our troops were sent long years ago, And girls here watch the same melancholy moon That lights our Chinese warriors -- And young wives dream a dream of spring, That last night their heroic husbands, In a great attack, with flags and drums, Captured the City of the Yellow Dragon.

杜甫: 哀王孙

Our northern warriors are sound enough of body and of hand -- Oh, why so brave in olden times and so craven now?


Our circulatory system — heart, arteries, capillaries, veins — transport nourishment, oxygen, and an assortment of other chemicals and substances (hormones, biological warriors, waste materials and occasional invading buggies) to and from all of our body parts (individual cells).

英语名人名言: Victory 胜利

Planning a Siege Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.


Algeria Desert warriors in Brazil Argentina Not just a team, we are a country , Australia Socceroos: hopping our way into history!

英语名人名言:Defeat 失败

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.


Poets and beggars, musicians and prophets, warriors and scoundrels, all creatures of that unbridled reality, we have had to ask but little of imagination, for our crucial problem has been a lack of conventional means to render our lives believable.

格林童话英文版:The Six Servants

But when they drove away to church, the old woman said, "I cannot endure the disgrace," and sent her warriors after them with orders to cut down all who opposed them, and bring back her daughter.

格林童话英文版:The Knapsack, The Hat, and The Horn

Immediately the seven warriors stepped up to him, and the corporal said, what does my lord and ruler wish for.

安徒生童话英文版:Godfather’s Picture Book

Our wounds healed, as those of the warriors in Valhalla.

安徒生童话英文版:The Bishop of Børglum and His Warriors

On the coast a ship is stranded; and the bishop's warriors are there, and spare not those whom the sea has spared.

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

About the same time sounded the clang of the warriors' trumpets across the heath.

安徒生童话英文版:The Last Dream of the Old Oak

He saw hostile warriors, in colored dresses and glittering armor, with spear and halberd, pitching their tents, and anon striking them.

安徒生童话英文版:The Wicked Prince

He gathered warriors from all countries, so many that when they were placed side by side they covered the space of several miles.

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