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" It's almost inevitable that you or your partner will develop a small, innocent crush on someone at some point during your marriage.


By contrast, millennials are being set up by their employers for an inevitable fall.


Going after your dreams is tough and you will face inevitable obstacles and failures along the way.


Thanks to the inexorable advance of Moore's law — bringing exponential increases in computing capacity — it was almost inevitable that Deep Blue would crush the human competition in the end: it was just a matter of time.


Positive changes in the China-Europe relations are not a temporary phenomenon but an inevitable choice in the long run.


And recent studies suggest that the destruction of large parts of the Antarctic ice sheet may have become inevitable, even though that could take hundreds or thousands of years to play out.


'It's about trusting subconscious intuition and not falling back on inevitable preconceptions and prejudices,' Tega Brain, co-founder of Smell Dating, told BuzzFeed News.


Then came the civil unrest, the bombing of Shakhtar's fine stadium and the team's move hundreds of miles away, along with the inevitable breakup of the club's Brazilian core, which helped revolutionize soccer in a beleaguered part of eastern Europe.


With all of the time spent together in such a space, it is inevitable that some warring will occur between coworkers.


8k@Nikhilesh Vaishy "You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable.


Given that some losses are inevitable the debate among many experts has shifted to an uncomfortable subject what level of loss is acceptable.

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I believe many people agree that health is inevitable on theway of succeed.


"It appears that China's central bank intends to engineer a managed depreciation in the renminbi as the economy slows, which makes sense from both policy and economic perspectives," said Commerzbank strategist Zhou Hao, who said further weakness was "inevitable".


Do you ever think that it's kinda crazy that we can order pizza from our cellphones and yet no one can figure out how to stop (or at least slow) the inevitable march towards death?


With Bryant and the Pau Gasol-led Lakers hitting their stride at the same time James was on the top team in the East with Cleveland and later the Miami Heat, a Finals matchup seemed inevitable to observers.


"Situations like that are inevitable because the resources are limited," she said.

中国历史名人:Zhu Ziqing朱自清

The feeling of sadness also illustrated the plight of the petty-bourgeoisie, whose decline was inevitable in spite of their repeated efforts to save themselves.


Without passion, your energy and enthusiasm will flag when you encounter inevitable obstacles.


Reviewing the song, Alexis Petridis wrote: "Adele sounds great: she sells the song without over-singing it, leaving the melismatic vocal fireworks to the inevitable spate of X Factor cover versions .


but since the evolution seems inevitable, we may as well find the positive," he said.

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