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But there is one event that is deliberately dedicated to all things dull and tedious – the 'Boring Conference' hosted every year at London.


And it plans to woo small businesses with a dedicated area called the boardroom.


They have donated $23 million to EducationSuperHighway, a nonprofit group dedicated to increasing broadband access for schools nationwide.


Rowe's new dedicated "quantitative management" arm, has for the past decade managed the $761bn asset manager's Diversified Small-Cap Growth Fund, a $2.

iPad Pro为何取代不了PC

Yet more interesting than the tablet itself are the iPad Pro's dedicated accessories.


In 1997, Shenzhen University in Guangdong province was the first educational institution in Asia to establish a golf college dedicated to training professional talent in playing and managing the game.


" He added that Facebook had dedicated "hundreds of our best engineers" to VR, to help create experiences that make "you feel like you're actually there" with friends.


Paul Thompson, the chief of cardiology at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and for years a dedicated marathon runner, was particularly drawn to that issue.

谷歌拟建全球城市免费WiFi 纽约试点

The internet giant has even gone as far as to set up a company specifically dedicated to the task, called Sidewalk Labs.


But Nissan, the Japanese group that with partner Renault is the world's fourth-largest carmaker, has gone further, appointing a researcher at its Silicon Valley office dedicated to looking at these ethical issues.


Instead, schedule a meeting dedicated to your review or wait until the appropriate time presents itself.


If you aren't willing to walk away from this ritual of keeping up with digital Joneses, then consider consolidating down to one service and picking a dedicated daily time for checking in — at your lunch break or at the gym, ideally.

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Kay dedicated the award to Scottish comic Billy Connolly, "my comedy hero".


So a part my first salary was dedicated to treating a dozen of such kids at KFC and that 31st evening was truly one of the happiest moments of my life.


The school will have a dedicated room for the program with gaming chairs and high-end PCs with Nvidia GeForce GTX 980Ti video cards, according to its Facebook page.


While Twitter is beloved by dedicated users in the media and public eye, it has failed to grow significantly in the last year while its major rivals Facebook and Instagram have stretched ahead.


Teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every crooked politician there is a dedicated leader; that for every enemy there is a friend.


It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career.


The airport's Board of Airport Commissioners unanimously approved LAX's plan to redevelop a cargo hangar into the US's first terminal dedicated to the rich and famous .


" The Hangzhou-based firm said the Spring Festival event will be launched by its customer-to-customer site Taobao and its Rural Taobao business unit, which is dedicated to online shoppers in rural areas.

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