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But older even than this old hall is perhaps the bit of wall now built into the belfry of the parish church, and said to be a remnant of the original chapel dedicated to St Ogg, the patron saint of this ancient town, of whose history I possess several manuscript versions.


He noted that precaution measures will include robust testing, additional cleaning, extra locker room space, and dedicated housing and transportation.


However, Trump said he is forming a task force dedicated to "opening our country.

英语情感故事Anna Maes Honor

She was a dedicated and devoted Christian.


23) Priest, priestess, monk, nun, healer – you've been them all, dedicated to the spiritual life, retiring from the world, though willing to help others in their time of need.


With modern rationality, Lao She always consciously dedicated himself to the criticism of traditional cultural dross and the reform of the inherent weakness of the nation.


If the final assembly is completed,the project will become the first dedicated observatory that can continuously search for optical or infrared signals.


The area should "have regular, dedicated, classroom time and ideally should be taught as a standalone subject," she said.


In Japan, many people are extremely dedicated to preventing aging before it happens, and so they put a big emphasis on protecting their skin from the sun.


" As a nod to this new kind of customer, a large part of the shop is now dedicated to a kind of tofu pudding topping bar, with sweet and savory options.


If you're really dedicated to becoming better, there are a lot of surefire strategies you can use to make sure you improve all those little idiosyncrasies that bother people, making everyone (including yourself) much happier.


" "Starbucks is a special target because it's from the hippie West Coast, and a lot of dedicated consumers who pay $4 for coffee have expectations that Starbucks would ban guns.

日本人秀浪漫 大胆喊出我爱你

The event, which precedes "Love Your Wife Day" on January 31, took place at the Hibiya Park in central Tokyo, co-hosted by a citizen group dedicated to devoted husbands.

女人 看看你为什么总是那么“穷”

Today's LearnVest Daily is dedicated to all the excuses we've ever made for why our finances aren't everything we've dreamed: Our jobs just don't pay enough.


Tomorrow you will be dedicated to the king of Wu country as a token of respect.

英语美文:Experiencing Scotland 体验苏格兰风情

He carried out the plan for autonomy drawn up by the great popular hero William Wallace, to whom cinema has dedicated the wonderful film "Braveheart", the winner of five Oscars.


I was a dedicated student, and I had my heart set on going to USM.


My mother and I talk on the phone at least once a week, and in some ways, we are each other's most dedicated listener.


I can't help notice the children flying kites while running in and out of the beating waves, wanting more, And the dedicated surfers trying to find the biggest wave so they can ride it back to the shore.


Alibaba has about 700 million consumers across all of its platforms, and those consumers will be able to access league content through a dedicated "NBA section.

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