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How will we finance infrastructure such as the International Space Station, which cost about $100bn to develop?


The Chinese know about RVs from a 1999 movie called "Be There or Be Square" but RV expansion has been slow due to high costs, legal issues and insufficient infrastructure.


Picao said she believes the city's fragile sanitation infrastructure is responsible for the presence of the super bacteria.


At the first of the annual general meetings of the institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank's president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.


"We are currently carrying out a detailed analysis of the impacts of subsidence on critical infrastructure (eg high-speed railways) in the Beijing plain," they said in an email to the Guardian.


"We have always taken a long-term approach to pricing by carefully monitoring and evaluating our local market operating costs, including occupancy expenses, distribution, infrastructure, labor, innovations and other operating costs," according to the Starbucks statement.


Four years and some hundreds of billions of dollars later, China's ambitious global trading strategy known as the "Maritime Silk Road" or "One Belt, One Road" is now coming to life, particularly in parts of East Africa where major infrastructure and defense projects are being built.


"Our study is a milestone in terms of practical implementation of optical clocks," said one of the researchers, Christian Grebing, from the National Metrology Institute of Germany, "The message is that we could today implement these optical clocks into the time-keeping infrastructure that we have now, and we would gain.


Last month the bank said it was the metal most likely to benefit from any infrastructure growth in China.


"We wanted to push the idea that with only the minimum hardware, and minimum infrastructure you can still pull it off," says Abu-Sitta, "With just two tablets, iPad to iPad, we're able to perform this surgery.


In emerging markets, though, the Chinese firms have made greater inroads, buoyed by infrastructure projects financed through Chinese financial institutions.


China is to pump almost Rmb5tn ($770bn) into transport infrastructure over the next three years, in a sign of its determination to use state investment to keep the economy humming.


Success is not guaranteed for deserving people in wealthy countries with highly developed legal and educational institutions and other infrastructure, but it's substantially more likely.


Drone technology could soon become part of our everyday lives, monitoring problems with crumbling infrastructure such as cracks in tarmac, bridges and houses and even repairing them as part of $45.


'It provides further support for investment in infrastructure to get people out of their cars and onto their feet or their bikes – which can itself reduce pollution levels at the same time as supporting physical activity.


China has long been a key driver of infrastructure investment and construction in Central Asia, covering a wide range of sectors.


To the vast majority of people watching the Games on television, however, such infrastructure may not matter.


Hong Kong performed well with a traffic speed of nearly 30 km per hour in rush hours thanks to its advanced transport infrastructure and high proportion of highway.


The company claims on its site that the vehicle "transforms in seconds from an automobile to an airplane" by using "existing infrastructure created for automobiles and planes.


Australia is tightening scrutiny of sales of ports, electricity networks and other key public infrastructure to foreign investors following a backlash sparked by the controversial lease of Darwin port to a Chinese company.

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