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But the idea of imminent gigabit mobile data is even more exciting for wireless infrastructure companies such as Qualcomm and Cisco.


As for Citi's fear that low oil prices will deprive all EMs of capital, Mr Schlotthauer was confident of replacement inflows, such as public-private partnerships in the infrastructure field.


But spending on health care and on basic public health infrastructure, like water pipes and sewers, has not kept pace.


Currently, the Chinese network infrastructure and electronics company, sits in third place.


The deal, if approved, would for the first time give a Chinese company control over part of the US's equity trading infrastructure, they said.


The White House said that the tax would encourage a shift away from an oil-dependent transportation system and provide revenue that it would use to pay for much-needed infrastructure investment.


"The risks of Huawei's and ZTE's provision of equipment to US critical infrastructure could undermine core US national security interests" and both companies "cannot be trusted to be free of foreign and state influence," the committee's report read.


I'm not suggesting that you spend yourself silly, but if you want to grow, you're going to have to upgrade some of your systems, whether that means your accounting software, phones, or IT infrastructure.


In recent economic plans, the Chinese Communist Party has identified Internet-related businesses as fundamental to the transition of the Chinese economy from one centered on infrastructure investment to one based on consumer spending.


Almost a third of all plastic packaging escapes collection systems and ends up in nature or clogging up infrastructure.


He applied this same strategy in 2010, when, after Chile's earthquake and tsunami, Elemental was given 100 days to come up with a master plan for the city of Constitución — including infrastructure, public space and buildings — by working with the population on solutions.


Li Chao, an analyst with iResearch Consulting Group, said that the lack of bricks-and-mortar business infrastructure is the main reason for the high frequency of mobile payments in the region.


So Polmard spends millions of dollars on infrastructure to take care of his cows, and ensures that only four cows are killed every week.


According to the announcement, the new administrative center in Tongzhou will put infrastructure upgrades and ecological improvement on top of the agenda.


"One of the things that European [policymakers] have done, which is quite damaging to the infrastructure, is reining back the European investment banks," says Colm Kelleher, investment banking chief at Morgan Stanley.


China, which is grappling with well-documented air quality and congestion problems in its cities, is closing the gap on emissions standards with western peers and has provided incentives to encourage the production and sale of electric vehicles, such as reducing the purchase price and supporting infrastructure.


Getting the basic infrastructure right — streets, water, sanitation, policing — is a good idea.


In the broadest sense, scientists say, forests represent a kind of ecological infrastructure that helps maintain comfortable living conditions on the planet, whether by taking up and holding carbon dioxide, cleaning water through their roots, preventing floods by stabilizing soil — or, in this case, by regulating climate.

家里Wi-Fi信号差 可能是路由器惹的祸

People may wait years before buying a new router, so their devices might be more up-to-date than their infrastructure.


Xu Haiyun, a Tsinghua alumnus and the chief engineer of the China Urban Construction Design and Research Institute, attributed the success to the rapid development of China's infrastructure in recent years, which created the chance for progress in engineering technology.

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