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Dollar menu aficionados will recognize McDonald's classics like the Sausage McMuffin, Big Mac, and Filet-O-Fish by a list of ingredients in McDonald's brand colors and what appears to be the typeface Helvetica on each sign.


The avocado has become a staple ingredient on the plates of brunch aficionados galore, with photos of the superfood permeating Instagram on a daily basis.


It has sparked mixed feelings from durian aficionados, who worship its signature rank smell.


It has sparked mixed feelings from durian aficionados, who worship its signature rank smell.

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For beauty aficionados, the look is never complete without that finishing touch.


The mainland opening attracted large crowds, many of them aficionados of the series who had first watched pirated copies of earlier films.

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But for "bullet subtitle" aficionados, they makes viewing more enjoyable, fulfilling, and worth repeating.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(13)

A "chapandaz", a highly skilled horseman usually patronized by rich aficionados, has to snatch a goat or cattle carcass from the midst of a melee, carry that carcass with him around the stadium at full gallop, and drop it in a scoring circle while a team of other "chapandaz" chases him and does everything in its power--kick, claw, whip, punch--to snatch the carcass from him.


Yet aficionados like Bob and me will travel terrible distances, cancel important appointments — do anything — to scarf down globs of custardy flesh from a durian.


The figures' release coincided with what aficionados celebrate as International UFO day, the anniversary of June 24, 1947.


But Crowley and other edible insect aficionados are counting on younger, environmentally-conscious Millennials to move the sector beyond gag gifts like lollipops with scorpions or one-off bug buffets to become a staple in health food stores, snack stands and the larger food chain.


Yet this is no niche book for aficionados looking for a brief summer distraction.

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