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After Cheng Yi passed his civil service examinations, he served briefly as Imperial tutor (1069~70), but his stern conception of morality soon alienated many of those around him and he resigned.


You will find one sensitive person that cares for the well being of the entire world, among billions and billions of alienated creatures that care only about their personal lives… However, the truth is that the desire to be happy in such world the way it is now, with so many horrors, is in fact a crazy desire.


Peele does much that's right and it's worth remembering that what makes his movie memorable isn't only what he says, but also how he makes meaning cinematically with finely calibrated timing, a sense of alienated space and an indelibly haunted, haunting image of the void.


Our feelings tend to become commodities and that means we're very easily alienated from our feelings.


With its phantasmagorical images and haunting, alienated characters, The Vegetarian is a book that compels even as it dares you to look away.


When they don't know what that is, they feel alienated and aimless.


Little wonder that so many communities — from Ferguson, Missouri to Baltimore, Maryland — feel alienated from those who are meant to protect them.

英语名人名言: Thoughts 想法

Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus (1493 - 1541) In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty.


You will find one sensitive person that cares for the well being of the entire world, among billions and billions of alienated creatures that care only about their personal lives… However, the truth is that the desire to be happy in such world the way it is now, with so many horrors, is in fact a crazy desire.

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