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Instead, it analyzes all the granular information about your body and translates it into simple humanspeak: either you're doing fine, or you're not.

日本研发出智能软件 不等下手就能识别小偷

A Japanese tech startup claims to have developed an artificial intelligence software that analyzes surveillance camera footage in order to detect suspicious behavior and prevent shoplifting before it actually happens.


It analyzes the information about the work of different systems and sends an impulse to your brain.

气熏天却不自知? 日本发明体臭检测器

Thankfully, Japanese wellness device maker Tanita just unveiled its newest creation, a handheld smell checker that analyzes body odor and ranks its intensity on a scale of 1 to 10.


Also unveiled at the conference is a sister report that scans and analyzes internet development inside China.


Also unveiled at the conference is a sister report that scans and analyzes internet development inside China.

科学家研发新设备 可通过心跳实现身份验证

The second is the beating of your heart: what's called a 'behavioral' biometric -- which analyzes a dynamic process, and can be harder to spoof.


The electronic system analyzes all of these vibrations simultaneously, and within 200 milliseconds produces information about 20 different properties of the shot.


Fact Check, a platform that analyzes online rumors, released a list of the top 10 online rumors that duped Chinese netizens since April last year.


The report, entitled "A future that works: automation, employment and productivity", analyzes the automation potential of the global economy, covering all sectors in more than 50 countries.


128@Conner Davis There's paper I can't find at the moment that analyzes the probability of a length of string tangling in your pocket in an hour as a function of its length.

七个专业步骤 保障你的信息安全

Google's search results are more useful and accurate than competitors' precisely because of the ways it collects and analyzes information about its customers' searches.


An app that analyzes the quality of your French kissing.

脱欧致英镑贬值 赴英旅游升温

com, which analyzes airfares, said: 'Americans may want to secure a great fare, while British may be worried that higher fares will soon hit the market,' FareCompare.


The "Music for Cats" project joins a pet market that was worth more than $74 billion last year and which continues to grow, according to George Puro, who analyzes it for Packaged Facts, a market research company.


The research, titled "Gendered Lives," which includes the findings on men and household chores, analyzes several other aspects of gender equality as well, including equality at home and in the workplace.

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