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Farebrother, who was not more surprised than the lawyer that an ugly secret should have come to light about Bulstrode, though he had always had justice enough in him to hinder his antipathy from turning into conclusions.


His antipathy to Will did not spring from the common jealousy of a winter-worn husband: it was something deeper, bred by his lifelong claims and discontents; but Dorothea, now that she was present—Dorothea, as a young wife who herself had shown an offensive capability of criticism, necessarily gave concentration to the uneasiness which had before been vague.


The antipathy of some member states to finance could lead to more onerous rules in future, or regulations being interpreted in ways that disproportionately hurt London.


In the 1960s, during the Vietnam War, antipathy to the business establishment increased.

约翰塔夫脱的天气论: 气候影响商业

Cold weather makes people hunched and wary, in every sense (psychologists at Yale University have discovered that if you hold something cold before you shake somebody's hand in an office meeting, they will feel more antipathy towards you than if you clutch a hot coffee).

默多克与布隆伯格 就是爱玩新闻和政治

But that won't be true forever, which may explain his antipathy at the prospect of Mr.

大胆提议 巴菲特应该收购Uber

It's a record haul that reflects the ride-sharing company's antipathy toward going public right now, despite billions of dollars in revenue, an exponential growth rate and a bull market that refuses to bear down.

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