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迷人四月天:Chapter 3

They interviewed Lady Caroline, and they interviewed the other applicant, a Mrs.


Applicant told the interviewer he wouldn't be able to stay with the job long because he thought he might get an inheritance if his uncle died - and his uncle wasn't "looking too good.


" 'While most hiring managers would deny that a job candidate's social class matters, in reality, the socio-economic position of an applicant or their parents is being assessed within the first seconds they speak - a circumstance that limits economic mobility and perpetuates inequality.

幽默笑话: 远大的梦想

"No," replied the applicant.


This is an actual essay written by a college applicant, when applying to NYU where he now attends.

创造历史! 沙特飞行学院首次招收女生

"People used to travel abroad to study aviation, which was difficult for women more than men," said applicant Dalal Yashar, who aspires to work as a civil pilot.

乔布斯传 第132期:我们当海盗吧!

Jobs would ask his usual offbeat questions to see how well the applicant could think in unexpected situations.


" Though spelling and grammatical errors can spell disaster for an applicant, the ones strewn throughout this document didn't seem to have hindered the future innovator and billionaire.


Alibaba said an applicant should be a group influencer, such as a "key opinion leader" in a team of square dancers, or a member of neighborhood committee, should have more than 3-year online shopping experience, an interest in social entrepreneurship and local community causes, and reading books related to psychology and sociology would be a plus.


It's a temporary vacancy, but we're sad to report the successful applicant will only be paid in the form of monthly £25 vouchers to spend in-store.


Each successful applicant will receive 100,000 yuan in addition to their salary, it said.


That implies there will soon be a full-time position with benefits and some job security for every applicant — a transformation in the Japanese labour market, which for decades has been marked by a steady increase in insecure contract and part-time work, with fewer "jobs for life".


"I work in a bank, it's been hard for me to finish the exam though I've prepared for them according to the reference books," says an applicant from south China's Guangdong Province.


No experience is required but the would-be applicant needs to stay up all night to alert the hotel guests when the weather phenomenon appears.


Nowadays, in an ever tighter job market, great importance has been attached to an interview by both the employer and the applicant.


Each of the applicants had an email address and real phone number that employers could contact if they were interested in talking with the applicant further.


Attention spans are at an all-time short, with hiring managers spending just six seconds looking at a resume before deciding whether the applicant is worth further consideration, a recent study by TheLadders found.


The miscommunication occurred when someone in the admissions or financial aid office put together an incorrect email list from an applicant database, according to the statement.


The applicant had filed an incorrect tax return during their previous work but when asked during the fake interview about it, they apologised.


"No," replied the applicant.

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