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迷人四月天:Chapter 6

She had not been in a bed without Mellersh once now for five whole years; and the cool roominess of it, the freedom of one's movements, the sense of recklessness, of audacity, in giving the blankets a pull if one wanted to, or twitching the pillows more comfortably!


They even had the audacity to go in to Uncle Benjamin's store to buy groceries.


Her audacity in expressing the pursuit of true love and delicacy in the depiction of emotions reflect her intuition of being a female.


"The first quality that is needed is audacity.


They'll grow up skilled and compliant but without the audacity to be great," according to The New York Times.


The man nicknamed "White Chocolate" had a mastery of the moves that few point guards had the audacity to attempt.


"Really Crocs have the audacity to shut down after all that we've been through together?


You notice when people can't play in movies or videos Lil Wayne is the freshest example of that — with an added bonus of having the audacity to let his "solo" really be heard live.


Smith's wit and audacity is simply irresistible -- as she had written entirely in the language of charisma.


He has already ploughed money into genetics firms and cancer diagnostic startups and said: 'We have the tools in the life sciences to achieve anything that you have the audacity to envision.


And then you have the audacity to complain about poor housing in a run-down community.

The Story of Two Sisters Who Were Jealous of Their Younger Sister

Then he strode boldly on, but had scarcely gone five or six paces when he was startled by a man's voice that seemed close to his ear, exclaiming: "Stop, rash fellow, and let me punish your audacity.

一千零一夜:First Voyage

Did I not with my own eyes see Sindbad drown, and now you have the audacity to tell me that you are he!

The Story of the Second Calender, Son of a King

" The princess, who realized the consequences of such audacity, entreated me not to touch the talisman.

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