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For his life he could not avert that excess of emotion: mingled anguish and humiliation overcame him completely.


But all this while Mrs Tulliver was brooding over a scheme by which she, and no one else, would avert the result most to be dreaded, and prevent Wakem from entertaining the purpose of bidding for the mill.


I think it was to be expected that I should try to avert some of the hardships which our marriage has brought on me.


" Rosamond had not foreseen that question and answer in setting out to pay her visit; she had simply meant to gather any information which would help her to avert the parting with her own house under circumstances thoroughly disagreeable to her.


She made one more feeble attempt to avert disaster.


But they discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it.


All, equally, are in peril, and, if the peril is understood, there is hope that they may collectively avert it.


The review, led by experts on medicine and economics at University College London and published in the Lancet, says immediate action is needed to avert the direct health impacts of climate change through heatwaves, other extreme weather events and the spread of infectious diseases — and indirect effects through factors such as forced migration and crop failures.


Frans van der Avert, Amsterdam Marketing chief executive, said: "Cities are dying from tourism.


The plan, designed to cool property prices in China's top cities and avert further pressure on the country's debt-laden financial system, will remove what is now one of the biggest incentives for migrants to buy rather than rent.


The bins are currently lined with flimsy plastic bags designed to avert terror attacks by making it harder to hide explosives in them.


1 trillion US dollars to avert the threat of global depression, agreed on additional resources for the IMF and multilateral development banks to assist countries to weather the financial crisis and to establish the Financial Stability Board.


Even more shocking -- and please avert your gaze if you are of a more traditional bent -- McDonald's has been experimenting with kale salads.


Ana Sastre, speaking on behalf of Save the Children from Spain, previously said: 'Fundamentally it's a measure of protection to avert possible forced marriages, sexual exploitation or offenses against children, especially girls.


The review, led by experts on medicine and economics at University College London and published in the Lancet, says immediate action is needed to avert the direct health impacts of climate change through heatwaves, other extreme weather events and the spread of infectious diseases — and indirect effects through factors such as forced migration and crop failures.


Russia's central bank will step in to help companies refinance their foreign debts, in Moscow's latest promise of state resources to avert a deepening of its economic crisis.


If you don't like the looks of someone else's meal, avert your eyes from their plate and enjoy your own food.


If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to avert his gaze, his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.

一千零一夜:The Story of the Merchant and the Genius

The merchant, protesting his innocence, bewailed his wife and children, and tried pitifully to avert his fate.

格林童话英文版:The Elves (one more story)

When it was midnight, two pretty little naked men came, sat down by the shoemaker's table, took all the work which was cut out before them and began to stitch, and sew, and hammer so skilfully and so quickly with their little fingers that the shoemaker could not avert his eyes for astonishment.

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