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Baldwin: it's set my blood a-creeping to look at him ever sin' here he came into Slaughter Lane a-wanting to buy the house over my head: folks don't look the color o' the dough-tub and stare at you as if they wanted to see into your backbone for nothingk.


Dagley; but nothing was easier in those times than for an hereditary farmer of his grade to be ignorant, in spite somehow of having a rector in the twin parish who was a gentleman to the backbone, a curate nearer at hand who preached more learnedly than the rector, a landlord who had gone into everything, especially fine art and social improvement, and all the lights of Middlemarch only three miles off.


They ain't got any backbone.


The versatility and strong physical backbone of the software deliver these results.


" "Two features of the virus, the mutations in the RBD portion of the spike protein and its distinct backbone, rules out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin for SARS-CoV-2.


Iran: Asheh Reshteh : Thick, stick-to-your-ribs soups make up the backbone of Iranian cooking — in fact, there are more than 50 varieties.


Koh Khai islands, Thailand The backbone of backpacker gap year travels, Thailand, is for the most part extremely tourist-friendly; but some places are now off limits because of environmental concerns.


"Many students will be involved in the game industry either through employment or investment, as the industry is developing into a backbone of the entertainment industry," he said.


The RUC's education standard is to cultivate and produce"outstanding exemplars for the nation and the backbone of society".


" Chen predicted many students will be involved into the game industry either through employment or investment, as the industry may develop into a backbone of the entertainment industry before long.

乔布斯传 第12期:童年,被遗弃和被选择(8)

The forty-mile Santa Clara Valley, which stretches from South San Francisco through Palo Alto to San Jose, 40,,, has as its commercial backbone El Camino Real, the royal road that once connected California's twenty-one mission churches and is now a bustling avenue that connects companies and startups accounting for a third of the venture capital investment in the United States each year.


More than 30 percent of animals with a backbone - fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals - are declining in both range and population, according to the first comprehensive analysis of these trends.


More than 30% of animals with a backbone - fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals - are declining in both range and population, according to the first comprehensive analysis of these trends.


People all know him said: "zu ti is the backbone of the country in the future.


Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon RDS already form the backbone of many mobile applications today.


The founders of Otto said in a blog post that they were combining with Uber to "build the backbone of the rapidly-approaching self-driving freight system".


"Because, we believed then that the backbone of our business was our large sales force, who called on people door-to-door.


A rising fund manager star at T Rowe Price predicts that computers will become increasingly important in asset management, supplanting the industry's traditional backbone of human stock pickers, economists and analysts.


It's the "backbone of a woman's wardrobe", she says.


backbone: , Will he have the backbone to tell them what he thinks?

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