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万圣节惹事! 拜仁慕尼黑被指涉嫌种族歧视

Germany's most successful football club Bayern Munich is facing a barrage of criticism after it posted a photo on its Twitter account of a player's Halloween party.


The government has faced a barrage of criticism since it first floated the idea last summer.


The pharmaceutical industry plays on that fear, targeting women in a barrage of advertising on daytime talk shows and in magazines.


After sucking in a lungful of air, as if loading for a verbal barrage, she continued.

华为邀斯嘉丽拍广告 要做全球高端品牌

The advertisement, released this month by the Chinese telecoms equipmentgroup, was the opening salvo in a barrage of publicity planned for the P9 asHuawei accelerates efforts to promote itself as a premium smartphone consumerbrand.


" A whole new barrage of verbal abuse followed, but the orderly was insistent that a rectal temperature was what the test called for.


" Then the interviewee — freed from your barrage of questions — tells you the thing she had been wanting to say all along.


Some publishers and advertisers say ad blocking violates the implicit contract that girds the Internet — the idea that in return for free content, we all tolerate a constant barrage of ads.


When you make yourself available to your work 24/7, you expose yourself to a constant barrage of stressors.


Barrage, geek culture and ACG (animation, comic and game) – behind this jargon beats the pulse of the newest generation of youths.


" Others remain wary of where "bullet screens" might take the viewing experience, expressing concern about a possible barrage of commercial advertisements, hate texts or other sensitive content in real-time messages on the screen.


We received a barrage of complaints.


The locomotive driver stopped to let the wagon pass, and Henry jumped down and went to him with a barrage of technical questions about the engine's performance.

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