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Such was the information of the first five minutes; the second unfolded thus much in detail—that they had driven directly to the York Hotel, ate some soup, and bespoke an early dinner, walked down to the pump-room, tasted the water, and laid out some shillings in purses and spars; thence adjourned to eat ice at a pastry-cook's, and hurrying back to the hotel, swallowed their dinner in haste, to prevent being in the dark; and then had a delightful drive back, only the moon was not up, and it rain

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She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength.


It's a riot of opulent gold mosaics, mother of pearl, Swarovski crystal chandeliers, gemstones, onyx and bespoke wooden furniture.

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But if you want to purchase one of the bespoke items, it could set you back as much as $3,000.


"A major part of Spain's identity is the existence of physical and often bespoke shops in town and city centres and, of course, frequently in villages, too; and the only way to ensure they survive is by seeking out innovative ideas.

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"A major part of Spain's identity is the existence of physical and often bespoke shops in town and city centres and, of course, frequently in villages, too; and the only way to ensure they survive is by seeking out innovative ideas.


"This could be because more and more couples realize that it's not worth ruining a bespoke suit or covering your gown in buttercream simply for a dramatic photo op.


Personalised skincare has come a long way since Clinique's pioneering skincare programme became one of the world's best-selling "bespoke" ranges (50 years later, a bottle of Dramatically Different Moisturiser — from £30 — is sold somewhere in the world every four seconds).


Each bespoke house takes 2-4 months to complete, after which it is delivered straight to the client.


"In the long run, we will be able to provide each athlete with bespoke performance products tailored to their individual physiological data and needs on demand," the spokesperson said.


" In London, Savile Row tailor Richard James has noticed increased demand for silk over the past couple of years, particularly from bespoke customers.


Mrs May said she was not interested in trying to "keep bits of membership" of the EU, rather that she wanted a bespoke British deal with the rest of Europe that delivered "the best possible deal for UK companies".


Bespoke holidays are in vogue, according to China's largest online travel agency Ctrip.


The two universities created a bespoke peptide which turns that protein off.


Harper was clad in a black bespoke Burberry winter coat that had been chosen for her by the Burberry creative director Christopher Bailey and a pair of black patent leather loafers by Gucci, her hair styled into two glossy braids.


The prospect of bespoke beef is startling in the light of the forthcoming talks in Paris on climate change, where 138 heads of state will be in attendance.

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'If we understand the genetic basis for variation between individuals it could be possible to develop bespoke ways to control mosquitoes better, and develop new ways to repel them.


More flexible than a chandelier, the result is arguably more like a bespoke piece of art.


Either they find it too spookily precise, or — as Stanford marketing professor Itamar Simonson has written — they sense that, because it is so bespoke, it will not be a good deal.


A theme that many of the luxury agencies consulted for the survey kept returning to was the idea that luxury brands will take bespoke experiences to new levels as a way to stand out from the mass market.

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