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I am ready to narrow my own resources and the prospects of my family by binding myself to allow you five hundred pounds yearly during my life, and to leave you a proportional capital at my death—nay, to do still more, if more should be definitely necessary to any laudable project on your part.


Casaubon's talk about his great book was full of new vistas; and this sense of revelation, this surprise of a nearer introduction to Stoics and Alexandrians, as people who had ideas not totally unlike her own, kept in abeyance for the time her usual eagerness for a binding theory which could bring her own life and doctrine into strict connection with that amazing past, and give the remotest sources of knowledge some bearing on her actions.


That must depend upon the binding.


Whatever agreements not to use hydrogen bombs had been reached in time of peace, they would no longer be considered binding in time of war, and both sides would set to work to manufacture hydrogen bombs as soon as war broke out, for if one side manufactured the bombs and the other did not, the side that manufactured them would inevitably be victorious.


Administrative departments must determine acts of bad faith on the basis of legally binding documents.


" The researchers analysed genomic data available from SARS-CoV-2 and other similar coronaviruses, showing that the receptor-binding domain (RBD) sections of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins were so effective at binding to human cells, they had to be caused by natural selection.


He knew there had to be a use for them and eventually hit on the idea of cutting the sortings to the same size and binding them into small notepads.


A new biomaterial developed by the team interferes with this binding process.


Previous research conducted by COPSAC had found that people with mutant versions of the gene encoding a binding protein called filaggrin suffered an added risk of developing eczema if they had a cat.


In a way, it's a modern form of foot binding.


Assembling and binding such pages together produces a book.


"We tried binding with a lot of different things," Julian Lechner told VICE Munchies.


Verbal agreements are much less binding than written ones so before you formally accept a position, get all of the final details of your salary and benefits on paper and review them carefully before signing the dotted line.


But this is not binding, and can be cancelled if the would-be customer desires.


" "There can be no assurance that any definitive offer will be made, that any legally binding agreement will be executed or that this or any other transaction will be approved or consummated," Baidu added.


The five Arctic countries will meet for the first time with non-Arctic fishing nations to work on a binding international accord.


The binding approach also involves four steps :1 .


Subsequently, recognizing that many governments were reluctant to agree to binding limits, the diplomats essentially asked each country to volunteer its best efforts.


Armed with my kindergarten rule book, I began to splutter about having booked through Priceline and paid with a credit card, which made it a binding contract, surely?

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