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I am not so brazen as you.


The "Poop-poop" rang with a brazen shout in their ears, they had a moment's glimpse of an interior of glittering plate-glass and rich morocco, and the magnificent motor-car, immense, breath-snatching, passionate, with its pilot tense and hugging his wheel, possessed all earth and air for the fraction of a second, flung an enveloping cloud of dust that blinded and enwrapped them utterly, and then dwindled to a speck in the far distance, changed back into a droning bee once more.


No one complains when websites promoting brazen criminality are shut down, when child pornography is expunged or when cyber fraudsters are caught.


More importantly, their childlike mannerisms and brazen stupidity is a brand of humor that wins hearts.

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But in fact, it was a brazen copy of the hugely popular UK-designed 'baby' off-roader – and a fraction of the price.

格林童话英文版:The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage

The bird complained bitterly to the dog about this brazen abduction, but he claimed that he had discovered forged letters on the sausage, and that she would thus have to forfeit her life to him.

格林童话英文版:The True Sweetheart

"But the fire was burning on the hearth, and the meat was cooking in the pans, the tongs andshovel were leaning against the wall, and the shining brazen utensils all arranged in sight.

安徒生童话英文版:The Storm Shakes the Shield

The barber's shield, the great brazen dish, was carried away, and hurled straight into the embrasure of the councillor of justice; and the whole neighborhood said this looked almost like malice, inasmuch as they, and nearly all the friends of the councillor's wife, used to call that lady "the Razor" for she was so sharp that she knew more about other people's business than they knew about it themselves.

安徒生童话英文版:The Snow Man

" Then the Snow Man looked, and saw a bright polished thing with a brazen knob, and fire gleaming from the lower part of it.

安徒生童话英文版:The Bishop of Børglum and His Warriors

Blow thy brazen trumpet, thou trumpeter clad in fox-skin!

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

He took the cross from the grave, and held it aloft, and now they rode through the air over the rustling trees, over the hills where warriors lay buried each by his dead war-horse; and the brazen monumental figures rose up and galloped forth, and stationed themselves on the summits of the hills.

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