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There was no attitude in which his pride did not feel its bruises; and in all behaviour toward him, whether kind or cold, he detected an allusion to the change in his circumstances.


He had a large share of pride, which had hitherto found itself very comfortable in the world, despising Old Goggles, and reposing in the sense of unquestioned rights; but now this same pride met with nothing but bruises and crushings.


I'm afraid I shall find the bruises still painful by-and by," he added, smiling rather sadly; "but just now I can only feel that the torture-screw is off.


The boys seized each others' hands and fled, with many tumblings and bruises, to the shelter of a great oak that stood upon the riverbank.


Look for apples that are bright-colored and without any bruises.


Avoidance has been much stronger than a mass of bruises, we are only targeted at serious walking, not artificial, not hypocrites, do not behave themselves, but must not be presumptuous arrogance.

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South Yorkshire Police say they were surprised to see that the driver had escaped the blaze mostly unharmed, adding that he was "very lucky" to walk away from the crash with only "minor cuts and bruises".


But the result is that we got all bruises.


Du was lucky as he walked away only with bruises and cuts on his arms and hands.


The largest side effect is the presence of the large, circular bruises on the skin.


Viewers watching the Olympics this weekend may have spotted the pepperoni-like bruises on athletes and wondered: What is that?


Some of the bruises are there still," put in Caspian.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(183)

It wasn't as swollen as before, but it had taken on a yellow tint from my assortment of fading bruises.


They also contain vitamin K, which helps to heal bruises and other minor sports injuries by ensuring blood is able to clot normally.


Some sprinters had to be treated for bruises, it was reported.


Well, of course, you can't order eternity wrapped up and delivered at your residence for a price, but I've seen Father Time get pretty bad stone bruises on his heels when he walked through the gold diggings.

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