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美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 4》

He was such a handsome, blooming, curly-headed little fellow, that, when he sat down and nursed his knee with his chubby hands, and conversed with much gravity, he was a source of great entertainment to his hearers.

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 2》

And he thought of the immense income, the beautiful, majestic estates, the wealth, and power for good or evil, which in the course of time would lie in the small, chubby hands little Lord Fauntleroy thrust so deep into his pockets.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 33

There was no "mahogany furniture," but there was a white-painted bookcase filled with books, a cushioned wicker rocker, a toilet table befrilled with white muslin, a quaint, gilt-framed mirror with chubby pink Cupids and purple grapes painted over its arched top, that used to hang in the spare room, and a low white bed.


" But she wondered for what inscrutable reason Aunt Alberta had seen fit to tie a black velvet ribbon around each of her chubby arms above the elbow.


Most monsters from the trailers appear cute and chubby, reminiscent of similar characters in the Monster Hunt franchise and making the film more appealing to families.


In a hip hotel in Chicago's West Loop, nestled among more Michelin-starred restaurants than I can count, KFC has presented me with a carefully plated presentation of chubby chicken chunks on a rectangular white plate.


The little boy grunted, struggled, pushed , and shoved; but his only reward was to have the rock roll back , smashing his chubby fingers .

My Left Foot 我的左脚

Mona, her black curls framing her chubby little face, stared at me with great big eyes and open mouth.


Tom was perfecting a paper airplane, creating his own insignia with stars and dtripes,while Sam worked on a self-portrait, his chubby hands drawing first a head, then legs and arms sticking out where the body should have been.


Young children can have unconscious prejudice towards their overweight peers, which leads these chubby kids to gain even more weight, a study claims.


Chubby Annamaria Tadlock There once was a pony2 so fat, He couldn't walk so he sat, He tried walking one day, Fell face-flat in the hay and decided3 to stay where he's at.


Netizens joked that these chubby cats ate too much during the past week-long of Spring Festival holiday, just like many Chinese people did.


In the photos, Anna Maria, a chubby Spanish girl, can be seen watching a TV drama.


Half-circle ears, small noses pointed outwards, a pair of eyes like two black pearls, chubby bodies, round head, all make them very lovable.


They have more body fat than adults; chubby cheeks.


In elementary school I was chubby with scraggly blond hair.


Poor Eduardo, who has gotten so chubby that he struggles to get around, has had a personalised collar made for him by his owner, which reads: 'For medical reasons I am on a diet.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(193)

OMAR FAISAL WAS CHUBBY, dark, had dimpled cheeks, black button eyes, and an affable, gap-toothed smile.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(179)

" He disappeared into the back room, returned wearing another pair of eyeglasses, a set of keys in hand, and with a short, chubby woman in an orange sari trailing him.


Babe is targeted towards chubby men, a body type that is rarely represented in the mainstream fashion industry.

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