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Should Providence in this case award death, there was no sin in contemplating death as the desirable issue—if he kept his hands from hastening it—if he scrupulously did what was prescribed.


Will Ladislaw was stretched on the rug contemplating the curtain-pole abstractedly, and humming very low the notes of "When first I saw thy face;" while the house spaniel, also stretched out with small choice of room, looked from between his paws at the usurper of the rug with silent but strong objection.


Casaubon), all the while being visited with conscientious questionings whether she were not exalting these poor doings above measure and contemplating them with that self-satisfaction which was the last doom of ignorance and folly.


There he had a thorough wash and brush-up, changed his clothes, and stood for a long time before the glass, contemplating himself with pride and pleasure, and thinking what utter idiots all the people must have been to have ever mistaken him for one moment for a washerwoman.

迷人四月天:Chapter 12

Fisher, sternly contemplating Lady Caroline.

迷人四月天:Chapter 9

Were they or were they not, she sometimes wondered, contemplating them between the courses of her solitary meals, the same goldfish that had that day been there when Carlyle—how well she remembered it—angrily strode up to them in the middle of some argument with her father that had grown heated, and striking the glass smartly with his fist had put them to flight, shouting as they fled, "Och, ye deaf deevils!


Presently, when the moon emerged again, Injun Joe was standing over the two forms, contemplating them.

七种你肯定会遇到的讨厌人 如何应对

By the end of the 4th hour of her calling me and our "imaginary" friends I was actually contemplating 'accidentally' dropping and breaking the stupid thing.


Many of us will be seriously contemplating taking part in Dry January today, as we nurse sore heads from New Year's Eve celebrations.


David Beckham is contemplating traveling to space.

无人机拍到神奇潮水图 像极了男子坐在悬崖边沉思

The drone images show a man sat on the edge of a cliff looking out to sea -- as if he is contemplating ahead of Remembrance Day.


One fan, named Stephanie, used the app to share the story of when the "Reputation" singer bought her a house: (Stephanie): "I've been contemplating posting this story for a while.


Contemplating some of the sorrows in her own past and the precariousness of the European present, she keeps gloom at bay with her resilient faith in the power of art to conserve and expand human dignity.


If you're contemplating a career change of your own in 2017, you might want to consider retraining as an orthodontist, an economist or even a mathematician.


The dark of night is perfect for contemplating the universe.


The Duke and Duchess are also ready to step up their royal duties, with the Duke contemplating giving up his career as a helicopter pilot to take up a full-time public role.


Once you see them in front of you, you'll have a much clearer sense of how to best move forward with whatever it is you're contemplating.


I am on holiday in Bavaria, where, in between the beer and schnitzels, I have been contemplating the nature of trust.


It was while contemplating this issue that German product designer Julian Lechner came up with a radical new and sustainable way of recycling coffee grounds – turning them into tableware.


"Happiness is not generally found in contemplating the past or future.

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