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英语世界文摘:What Is Cloud Computing?

You typically pay only for cloud ser- vices you use, helping lower your operating costs, run your infrastructure more efficiently and scale1 as your business needs change.


If you simply have too much stuff crammed inside your walls, it will be nearly impossible to maintain a state of organization and to clean efficiently.


Organize your academic material efficiently.


He told me he never went to school after class 4th because he hated mathematics, but he so efficiently understood and applied the demand supply curve for his profit.


Curiosity about the world around you, how it works and how you can understand it will keep your brain working fast and efficiently.


" "The factors depend on the skill being learned: in chess it could be intelligence or working memory, in sport it may be how efficiently a person uses oxygen.

英语美文:把握生活 成就自我

They also set their priorities, organize their tasks and duties and make sure all the different departments are running smoothly and efficiently.


If you just look words, you may forget them quickly, but writing them makes you concentrate on them more efficiently.


I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently.


According to the research, 86 percent of current pet parents surveyed said owning pets helps them stick to a routine, better manage their time, and more efficiently multitask.


·,,: By working more efficiently, there is no reason why people can't work less hours and be equally–if not more–effective.


System 1 is fast and intuitive, relying on mental shortcuts in thinking—called heuristics—to navigate the world more efficiently.


Buses, trains, and subways are a daily necessity for many city dwellers, so knowing how to use them efficiently is a handy skill.


One challenge is the supply–if it's hard for a mill to predict how many cups it will get, it makes it hard to run efficiently.


However, it's important to draw boundaries without stifling your employees' creativity or ability to work flexibly and efficiently.


Organize your academic material efficiently.


" Simply eating too much at once can also dilute down the acid in our stomach, rendering it unable to start breaking down the food efficiently.


" Simply eating too much at once can also dilute down the acid in our stomach, rendering it unable to start breaking down the food efficiently.


" Glaucoma occurs when fluid in the eyeball stops draining efficiently, causing a build-up of pressure which damages the optic nerve and nerve fibres from the retina.

The Advantages of Electronic Dictionaries 电子词典的优势

Electronic dictionaries make students work efficiently.

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