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A Day of Reckoning Mr Tulliver was an essentially sober man,—able to take his glass and not averse to it, but never exceeding the bounds of moderation.


Farebrother—his effort after the cynical pretence that all ways of getting money are essentially the same, and that chance has an empire which reduces choice to a fool's illusion—was but the symptom of a wavering resolve, a benumbed response to the old stimuli of enthusiasm.


This implicit reasoning is essentially no more peculiar to evangelical belief than the use of wide phrases for narrow motives is peculiar to Englishmen.


"Yes; they're so essentially decorative.


The event which it authorized soon followed: Henry and Catherine were married, the bells rang, and everybody smiled; and, as this took place within a twelvemonth from the first day of their meeting, it will not appear, after all the dreadful delays occasioned by the General's cruelty, that they were essentially hurt by it.


Nature may have done something, but I am sure it must be essentially assisted by the practice of keeping a journal.


For being essentially herself-loving, thoughtful, patient, and forgiving?


"New York was actually the only city that we knew of that actually had a ban, a 45-year-old law made when the Department of Consumer Affairs essentially reorganized, and it prevented restaurants, the only industry in New York City, from applying a surcharge," he explained.


Having an unplanned and unstructured gap year that essentially equates to a "leave of absence" can be detrimental to students, say Kim and Maloney, because they're more likely to lose their momentum and decide not to attend college altogether.


Having an unplanned and unstructured gap year that essentially equates to a "leave of absence" can be detrimental to students, say Kim and Maloney, because they're more likely to lose their momentum and decide not to attend college altogether.


Turkish culture shares a lot with Greek, but essentially nothing with say, German.


Then there is a modern version called simply "SHUTTLECOCK",a game which utilizes a net to separate opposing teams and is essentially a sport for the super fit athlete.


Essentially a Daoist in his philosophical outlook on life and death, he also freely adopted the elements of Confucianism and Buddhism that most appealed to him.


Most alcohol research takes place in university labs, where participants get sloshed, and scientists then have them essentially play a game of Hot or Not, asking drinkers which faces they find attractive.


A study suggests that the Arctic "may be essentially ice-free during summer within 15 years.


Art collectors are going bananas over an artwork that essentially consists of a real banana duct-taped to a white wall at an art gallery, with some paying as much as $120,000 for it.


Then, it spiralled into a dangerous syndrome where a man's gut essentially became a brewery fermenting its own endless alcohol supply - which is not as fun as it sounds.


Some helicopter companies are moving away from the exclusivity of chartered rides, selling by the seat instead of the entire helicopter, for what is essentially ride-sharing in the sky.


We're constantly reshaping our memory to essentially reinforce our present attitudes.


Since the paper was essentially trash to the mill, they could sell the pads at low prices.

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