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Vincy's intentions on money matters, and nothing but extremity could have induced him to apply to his father-in-law, even if he had not been made aware in various indirect ways since his marriage that Mr.


When Strickland suggested that in her surrender to him there was a sense of triumph over Dirk Stroeve, because he had come to her help in her extremity, he opened the door to many a dark conjecture.


He believed he had taxed the forbearance of the powers above to the extremity of endurance and that this was the result.


" In her extremity an instinct told her to which of them to turn.


Until the seventeenth century, Orthodox couples normally wore their rings on the right hand (an extremity that's associated with strength) and most Europeans of all faiths followed suit.


Until the seventeenth century, Orthodox couples normally wore their rings on the right hand (an extremity that's associated with strength) and most Europeans of all faiths followed suit.


Every extremity is a fault.


The morning twilight even then was breaking; and, by the dusky revelations which it spread, I saw a girl, adorned with a garland of white roses about her head for some great festival, running along the solitarystrand in extremity of haste.

熊皮人 Bearskin

" The soldier thought of the great extremity in which he now found himself, and as he so often had gone to meet death, he resolved to risk it now also, and agreed to the terms.

英语小说:Between Rounds

" And just then came the loud scream below-stairs, betokening fear or dire extremity.


On the junk, a man stands amidships beating a drum incessantly to guide their efforts, and they pull with all their strength, like men possessed, bent double; and sometimes in the extremity of their travail they craw on the ground, on all fours, like the beasts of the field.

英语谚语:Wisdom and Advice (3)

Man's extremity is God's opportunity.

格林童话英文版:The Flail from Heaven

If I were to fall down from hence it would be a bad thing, thought he, and in his extremity he did not know how to save himself better than by taking the chaff of the oats which lay there in heaps, and twisting a rope of it.

格林童话英文版:The Crystal Ball

Instantly a fiery bird arose from it, and was about to fly away, but the young man's brother, the eagle, who was passing between the clouds, swooped down, hunted it away to the sea, and struck it with his beak until, in its extremity, it let the egg fall.


" The soldier thought of the great extremity in which he now found himself, and as he so often had gone to meet death, he resolved to risk it now also, and agreed to the terms.

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