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We get a sweet high from all the fumes.


The diesel behemoths that once signalled their arrival with a piercing hiss, a rattle of engine and a plume of fumes are no more, replaced with the world's first and largest 100% electric bus fleet.


BMW has linked the problem to defects with the vehicles' exhaust gas recirculation module, part of a system that channels some fumes back into the engine to reduce pollution.


I choked the piece down, but the flavor stayed with me, the fumes rising into my nose.


The root is where the fumes are most concentrated so it is recommended that this part of the onion is left on as you chop it to avoid stinging eyes.

印尼警方烧毁大麻 燃烧烟雾却致全镇人误吸

Police wore masks to protect them from the fumes but watching civilians were left unprotected.


Office blocks homes and hotels decked from top to toe in a verdant blaze of shrubbery and plant life; a breath of fresh air for metropolises that are choking on a toxic diet of fumes and dust.

我国多地空气污染爆表 三大因素为元凶

The Ministry of Environmental Protection said that industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust fumes and heating reliant on coal were three main factors that caused wide-spread air pollution across China in the past week.


" "We now know fumes from diesel vehicles are a lot more toxic than car companies claimed and this is a big cause of air pollution in Europe and North America.


6 million people, published in The Lancet, found that one in 10 dementia deaths in people living within 50 metres of a busy road was attributable to fumes and noise.


When burned, the innovative material does not melt, drip, or release any toxic fumes.


In practice, Europe tried to ignore an inconvenient truth about the latter: the UK government was last week instructed by a court to cut diesel fumes in cities faster than it had planned.


Tourism development must accompany a sharp rise in traffic; however, we have to admit that the scenes of packed vehicles around the tourist attractions are not a pleasant view, let alone the exhaust fumes emitted.


running on fumes , I'm sorry, but I've got to go home now.


Draper's work lives on the fading fumes of the American dream.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(103)

Rich scents, both pleasant and not so pleasant, drifte d to me through the passenger window, the spicy aroma of pakora and the nihari Baba had loved so much blended with the sting of diesel fumes, the stench of rot, garbage, and feces.


One faces traffic jams, long stay in vehicles, inhalation of fumes from automobile, eating polluted foods and food materials etc are common causes of stress with its attendant health implications.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(76)

Someone said the word "fumes.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(75)

My eyes stung from the fumes, like someone had peeled my lids back and rubbed a lemon on them.


Large tracks of road were being rebuilt, in a bumpy hell of swirling dust, truck fumes, temporary cement factories and ragged roadside habitation.

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